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Every Michael Bay Movie In Under A Minute

Cops Continue to Harass Emily Good

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

handmethekeysyou says...

You're right, still not a single study or report devoted to statistics.

Lots moe sensationalist stories, though.>> ^Opus_Moderandi:

>> ^handmethekeysyou:
I tried googling this. Not a single report or study devoted to "
how many traffic stops per year result in shootings
" on the first page. Unsurprisingly, many sensationalist news stories.>> ^MrFisk:
How many cars are pulled over in the U.S., in a year? How many result in a fatality to the officer? I'm trying to figure out if it's more likely they'll be shot, hit by lightning, or bitten by a shark.

Try googling "cop killed during traffic stop"

The "Good Muslim Wife" Joke

handmethekeysyou says...

I'd imagine it's very hard to assemble a room of Islamic fundamentalists in Oslo.

Those were the least white people she could find in all of Norway.>> ^aaronfr:

Although I applaud her for using comedy as a way to bring the truth out and challenge the status quo (which is what most good comics do), something about this clip bothered me. It had more to do with the crowd than anything. Telling jokes to a room full of stuffy, white people at a dinner party hardly seems like the way to achieve her stated goal of re-training the Islamic fundamentalists. It was more like the audience got a chance to laugh and snicker at jokes about scary Muslims they would be too afraid to tell themselves.

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

handmethekeysyou says...

Asking "what did I do?" is not "begging for it."

I understand why the cop got upset immediately. Guy got out of his car and started walking toward the officer with a hand in his pocket. Totally reasonable to react strongly to that. But by the 50th time when the cop told him to turn around and the guy was just asking what it was about, you'd think the cop would realize the guy isn't a threat.

Just answer the question, "what's this about?" And if you're not going to answer the question, say, "we'll discuss that in a minute, but for now just turn around and put your hands on your head." I'd say, "I pulled you over because of your license plate, but you started out acting like a threat. If you turn around and put your hands on your head, I assure you we'll walk away from this without a ticket or a problem." If the cop can't be expected to be the voice of reason, he shouldn't be allowed to carry a gun.

This was literally (rewatch it, precisely) three minutes of the cop saying "turn around and put your hands on your head" with smatterings of "do it now" and nothing else. That's not communication. That's ordering and tasering when your orders are not met. That's not law enforcement.>> ^smooman:

tasered 6 times for having a crooked license? thats not a misleading title at all!
what i saw was a dude get tasered 6 times for being a jackass
excuse me if i cant sympathize with a man who is practically begging for it

Lawsuit After Guy Tasered 6 Times For Crooked License Plate

Keanu Addresses the Sad Keanu Meme

Keanu Addresses the Sad Keanu Meme

We Need A New Too Nice Country, I think Canada Resigned

Hang In There Girl

Samuel L. Jackson reads "Go the Fuck to Sleep"

Fail costs MMA game but Idra fails harder

handmethekeysyou says...

I felt the same thing. But instead of "old" I thought "too mature".

Bring on the downvotes.>> ^spoco2:

Fuck me, I must be getting old...
winners bracket of MLG columbus?
Gold 3rd exansion on Iccup Testbug MMA?
WTF are you talking about?

Machines | David Mitchell's Soapbox

handmethekeysyou says...

Well he's talking about VCRs, and your dream remote won't PLAY anything.

I watched a movie a year ago on VHS after watching it on Netflix streaming. 4:3 picture, poor audio quality, "tracking", whatever the hell that was. Let's be honest, VHS was serious crap.

DVDs were better, hands down.

You know what's even better? Movies on my hard drive.

Arguing against DVDs is like arguing against CDs or laserdiscs. Nobody cares anymore.>> ^kymbos:

Yeah, I think he's talking about people like you, Spoco.
I'm with him all the way.
He had me at the remote with hundreds of buttons. God I hate those things. Give me channels, volume and mute, and I'm happy.

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