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Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

I feel that we've reached a stalemate. Perhaps I'm the only person who perceived shang's initial comment about enjoying violence to mean that HE ENJOYS VIOLENCE. My first thought when reading his comment (and what I continue to believe) was that he was trying to get a rise out of the vegetarians and animal lovers. Why else would he make a statement about wishing the bird in the video would be eaten by a predator and that he enjoys violence and hunting? This video had nothing to do with violence or hunting so why bring it up? I wasn't taking his subsequent comments seriously either because I thought it was a ruse to ruffle some feathers (or so to speak) and that is why I responded in a joking manner. Not everyone appreciates my humor, and in this case it appears I've pissed more than a few people off. What can I say? I am an acquired taste.

You think I don't know any hunters that aren't psychopaths? That is not a correct presumption on your part. As I stated in my previous message, I grew up in a community full of hunters and I have a great amount of respect for most of them. Many I still have as friends that continue to hunt. My father-in-law also hunts. Normal people hunt for food. They don't "get off" on hurting animals. They don't have an addiction to killing. (or at least that's what they tell me)

You referred to those who don't believe in hunting as "single minded, unenlightened self-righteous twats". I'm more than a little surprised that a vegetarian didn't have anything to say about that, or someone that has an issue with guns. Who are we to say that hunting is right and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong? To me, that is a self-righteous statement.

Since there's nothing more I can say to enlighten you or the rest of the group, I'll be on my merry way. I'll finish off by attaching a link of a debate on whether animal hunting should be banned. The results are 50/50 and include plenty of comments.

Last note: pumkinandstorm, I am not offended in the least and have also enjoyed the discussion.

enoch said:

let me first start by apologizing to @pumkinandstorm for derailing her thread.i always seem to do it to her posts.poor thing must hate me.

as for @carnivorous, i usual dont respond to any other posts after i rant (unless its shinyblurry) but i feel you are worth the time.i have read many of your comments and i sense you are a decent sort.

and though i am loath to do it i shall form my response in bullet form,more for expedience than laziness.(bullet responses are a lazy form of argument in my opinion). comment was not directed at you specifically,hence my generalizations and the use of the open-ended pronoun of "you".though you were certainly included in that use of "you".if i had issue with YOU i would have formed my comment in that manner addressing YOU..specifically.

my problem with some of the comments was not with a moral conflict but rather:presumption and ignorance.your commentary displayed both.

this is not an attack on you nor is it a reflection of how i feel/think/react to you.
it is just a statement based on your commentary.
i was hoping that my rant would possibly illuminate that fact for you (and others).

please reread your commentary in regards to @shang.
notice anything?
you presumed to know and understand @shang 's intentions,even when he stated the opposite.
or decide.because your whole premise is based on how YOU feel/think about a certain activity and you projected that morality onto @shang and found him lacking.
because @shang participates in something you find abhorrent,it appears by your commentary this gave you the right to chastise and judge him,based on YOUR morality.

2.i do not think you are a bully.i think you were being presumptuous and your commentary.

3.your rebuttal was no rebuttal at all but rather a conflation.the family you used as your example as "hunters"were not hunters.we have a name for people like that "sadistic psychopaths".appears they made it a family affair.
but to conflate those sick individuals and hunters is obscene and reveals an utter lack of understanding in regards to actual hunters.

4.i respect a man who stands up for what he believes in and i would never ask you to apologize but thats not what my commentary was addressing.

i was addressing the presumptions you were making about @shang based on pretty much nothing.
and while he was responding in a decent fashion you kept sniping at him from the bleachers.

its all trumpets and parades for standing up for what you believe in but how about a little bit of respect and appreciation for someone taking the time to respond to your questions?
especially in regards to something you obviously know next to nothing about?

you cant demand respect for your morals and beliefs and then turn around and deny anothers right for the very same thing.

i mean,think about it man.
you missed out on an opportunity to understand the mindset,motivations or passion for an activity that is alien to you.

your understanding has not moved an inch because of a pre-conceived notion based on what?
a childhood memory?
a few anecdotal experiences?

what a wasted opportunity.
would you have still disagreed?
yeah..most likely.
but at least you would have understood more.
and this practice is also known as empathy.

ah well...
i hope you read this is the context it was written.
with humanity and not an attack on you.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

For someone who has admitted to being too much of a pansy to kill his own supper, you exhibit an enormous understanding of what goes through the head of someone that enjoys such a hobby.

I've got a story for you. When I was a child, I lived in a rural community full of hunters. Not my family. My parents taught me to love and respect animals. We had a couple of dogs I loved dearly. If stray cats showed up at our door, we fed them and gave them attention. If an animal was injured, we nursed it back to health. In school there were a small group of boys who came from a family of hunters. They were taught to hunt from a very young age and animals had no value to them, other than to be enjoyed as a meal. They would torture animals for the fun of it...throw rocks at the birds and squirrels to score points, stomp on them to finish them off and then skin them so they would have their trophies. They would pull the legs off live frogs. Pour gasoline on defenseless little animals and light them on fire. They got off on making animals squeal and would brag about it to whoever would listen. They also bullied kids at school. They didn't feel any empathy and got a rush from inflicting pain and making children cry and scream. One day I was walking home from school and saw the boys with a gas can. They had cornered a feral cat that I had been feeding and were about to light it on fire. I intervened which led to a violent confrontation and thankfully the cat got away. I hollered for a neighbor to help which scared them off but I still ended up being beaten quite badly. When I got home, one of my dogs was missing. We couldn't find him for days. I later found his charred remains in the adjoining forest to my property.

In case anyone was wondering, my user name "carnivorous" is a long standing pet name given to me by my wife (don't ask). I am not a vegetarian, I eat well balanced meals and have a garden where we grow a lot of our own vegetables and my wife bakes bread and other baked goods on a regular basis. We do make an effort to eat less meat and find other sources of protein such as beans, eggs, nuts and cheese, but when we do eat meat we don't let any of it go to waste and appreciate the animals who lost their lives for our meal. As I stated previously in the thread, I am not opposed to hunting if an animal is killed humanely for the sole purpose of providing food and I would prefer that an animal had a glorious life in the wild, ending in a quick and painless death. The issue I have with shang is not about the hunting, but his enjoyment of the violence associated with hunting and what he is teaching his children about violence and aggression. My children have beautiful innocent little hearts and care about the feelings of people, animals and even insects and I am proud of how I've raised them.

Think me a bully if you will but I have always been the sort that stands up for what I believe in and I will not apologize for that.

enoch said:

i dont understand all the flack peeps are dumping on @shang.

he hunts for his own food.
which means he does not support the grotesque slaughterhouse factories but rather fresh game with no gmo-fed poultry or anti-biotic or cancer-ridden pork.

that should be praised ya?

or how about the fact that he is teaching his children responsible gun care and safety.
to not only be more self sufficient and self-reliant but also more responsible and safety conscious in regards to firearms.

how is this a bad thing?

i see.
its because YOU cant relate to how he provides and teaches his children so therefore what he is doing HAS to be some evil indoctrination to find glee in killing things.

so shang is an asshole because you cant get your head out of yours?
because YOU dont own a gun...
because YOU dont hunt for your food...

single-minded,unenlightened self-righteous twats.

my big sister and brother in law live exactly as @shang does.
they grow their own fruits and veggies and hunt (well,my brother in law does) for all their own meat.

my brother in law tried for years to get me into hunting.
i just couldnt do it and chose to be a hypocrite,much like @Buck,because i was too much a pansy to kill bambi.
i much rather prefer the killing be done away(far away) from me.

but the ignorance and presumption being displayed on this thread in regards to hunting for your own meat is..well..staggering.

oh ..
and before anybody decides to jump the assumption shark and start spouting off redneck and deliverance brother in law is a retired electrical engineer and my big sis has two (count em TWO) doctorates.

/ends rant
/drops mic

jumping on a cat for teaching his kids to hunt...
fucking seriously?
christ on a stick......

Buck (Member Profile)

carnivorous says...

Buck, I am not a vegetarian and as I stated previously in the thread, I am not opposed to hunting for the purpose of food. Perhaps you didn't catch my sarcasm, but that last comment was meant as a joke. I also agree with you completely about factory farming being a miserable life for an animal. My issue is with the addiction to violence. Once a person has become accustomed to not feeling remorse for causing pain and suffering, it causes them to be less empathetic towards human beings. In school, violence is not tolerated and yet at home, parents are teaching children how to kill. Does this not worry you? As shang said, it becomes much like a videogame. Not to mention that when a person takes delight in killing animals, it is a possible warning sign of a psychopathic personality disorder. An addiction to that sort of violent behaviour is a problem in my book and I sure as hell wouldn't be sending my child over to shang's house to play with his kids.

Buck said:

You ARE a vegetarian and your name is meant to be irony? yes?

If you do eat meat, look at some factory farming videos....THAT is horriffic treatment of animals.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

I need to get myself a rifle! Fuck the forest creatures. Who would rather see them frolicking and gliding merrily through the forest than laying in bbq sauced pieces on their dinner plates anyway? Who gives a shit about the furry babies and the young birds that are left behind to fend for themselves and that will likely die because their Mothers didn't make it home? They're only animals.

I'm curious. Are you by any chance in the military and would you feel the same sort of rush from shooting a person?

shang said:

the thrill of the hunt. It's fun, not only does it provide food, it's exhilarating. Stalking the target is the most fun style of hunting large game, as you have to stay down wind, stay quiet, and get close enough for a good shot.

it is "getting off" so to speak. The adrenaline is pumping, it even has a name you can google "Buck Fever" every hunter gets it. "Buck Fever" causes a lot of missed shots, the heart races, adrenaline pumps and you wind up missing or spooking them. But hunting is a ton of fun, if it weren't my kids wouldn't even be interested in it either. Not only does it provide cheap and plentiful food for family, which otherwise I would probably need food stamps to afford meat for family of 4, it's also fun, entertaining, and constantly trying to get better.

Similar to how fps gamers get addicted to keep getting better scores and "kill streaks" same for hunting, I hate missing a flock of quail, I love when we flush a flock of 5 or 6 quail and we can get them all, which rarely happens, usually 2 or 3 are dropped until next flush.

if hunting was not fun, there would be no point, just buy from store...
but it serves a purpose and it's fun as hell.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

carnivorous says...

If an animal is killed humanely for the sole purpose of providing food, I am not opposed to hunting. It's when I hear about people "getting off" on the kill that makes me question their motives. What is so thrilling about causing an animal to experience pain and ending a life?

shang said:

not really, I don't like my meat processed and chemically treated. I hunt deer, squirrel, rabbit, I grow and hunt quail, ducks, geese, chickens, I also hunt alligator since it's open season year around here due to overpopulation.

I have a chest freezer in the utility room with Elk, Mule Deer, Venison, Lamb as I can. We save thousands of dollars a year on meat since I hunt and have taught my son and daughter to hunt. My daughter is 13 and has already killed her first deer last season. I've also taught them how to skin and clean from fish, fowl and large game, although they usually just watch and clean the buckets for the large game for now, they happily help me skin squirrels, rabbits, bullfrogs for frog legs, etc. It's just how we live and keep grocery prices really cheap, since I usually barter gator tail/venison at the farmers market for most fresh vegetables.

Weapons of choice, .308 / 30-30 / 12 gauge - my daughter and son primarily use 20 gauge as it has little to no kick and great spread for shooting fowl.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Skater punched by kid's mom

carnivorous says...

My theory is that this clip was created to generate hype for a video that is being sold for profit. Can you think of a better way to boost video sales for an otherwise ordinary skate video? To avoid legal action, a video release form would have to be signed by this angry woman with the powerful right hook. Would she give permission to use footage of both herself and her son if this were a genuine incident? I suspect a clever scam, but I've always been the distrustful sort.

newtboy said:

Interesting, but I could find no description. What led you to the conclusion this was staged rather than just included in the video?

Skater punched by kid's mom

Bad Ventriloquist Bombs Hard on Stage... Gives Up Mid Act.

Skater punched by kid's mom

How to Coil Cables

carnivorous says...

Are you suggesting that labourers lack intelligence? It certainly sounds that way. Your comment reeks of ignorance if that is indeed what you are inferring.

Stormsinger said:

If there is an ego and a lack of respect being demonstrated, I'd have to say it was mostly on your part. There is nothing inherently superior to physical labor, and far far fewer who are even capable of intellectual ragging on someone who prefers to spend their time on the latter stupid, not to mention obnoxiously judgemental.

Cringe Video: Fat White Girl Gets Racist Trying to Be Sexy

carnivorous says...

The sheer ignorance of this person makes me want to vomit large chunks of honey glazed ham.

The lesson to be learned here is to never trust that "special someone" to keep your personal videos proclaiming a love for nigger tongue to themselves. Once your dirty laundry is aired, (or in this case dirty wet panties), there's no stopping it from becoming viral. Won't her parents be proud!

How to Coil Cables

carnivorous says...

I thought I presented my argument rather well. It was certainly not meant as an ad hominem attack. I'm far too mature for such silliness. When a perfect example of which I'm referring to plops itself conveniently into the conversation, why would I not use it to validate my argument? I also think you're missing the point of it all. What bugs the fuck out of me is the laziness, it's the time spent behind the computer on social networks, video sites and game sites, thinking that life can best be experienced by reading rather than doing. It is stunting social growth, and giving individuals an exaggerated sense of self importance. "Getting your hands dirty" teaches humility and how to figure things out independently. I'm tired of seeing so many young people sitting around at home playing on the internet all day while collecting money from the government, just waiting for a job that's worthy enough to fall into their laps because they think they're too good for manual labor or that job at McDonald's.

Procrastinatron said:

I'm lacking in respect, huh? Fuck you, pal. I disagreed with you, and I did so pretty vehemently because I feel very strongly that you are wrong. Do you somehow think that you are entitled to judge everybody else by your impossible standards while staying safe from reproach and disagreement up in your ivory tower? And I'm the one with the ego, sure.

Now, look. I have two friends who are way into blacksmithing (and I'm actually going to try this out a bit when it becomes feasible for me to have a forge and anvil (I don't think my current neighbours would like it if I suddenly started pounding metal in my back yard)) and many others who have spent years working in construction. One of them even broke his back doing it. They have their primary skills and I've got mine, and while there is a slight overlap (since we all love to learn new things and tend to do so from each other), we all have to recognize that we are different people who are good at different things.

Because the really fucking simple truth is that life isn't perfect, and neither are human beings. We also have a finite amount of time and a finite amount of energy, and unless you are some sort of crazy person who doesn't have any limits and will work yourself until you keel over, you're going to have a few things you do well and a few things you do less well. Deal with it. What is happening here is that you've got some jacked up übermensch fantasy you can't possibly live up to, so you judge others instead of just taking your expectations down to a more realistic level.

Oh, and by the way - I love how your response was essentially just one big throbbing ad hominem. Don't have anything meaningful to say? Don't worry; you can always call the other guy an arrogant jerk! That'll show him! Nice job there, buddy. You really got me good.

How to Coil Cables

carnivorous says...

Not only are the children of this new generation lacking in basic life skills, but they also have no respect. You are a prime example. Is your ego this large in real life, or do you have delusions of grandeur due to the anonymity that the internet provides? A well rounded individual should be able to both use their brain and perform menial tasks. It's not a choice of one or the other. So you took a break from reading and built a fence. Goody for you. A little exercise - what a chore. That's right, pay someone to work for you so you can sit around on your lazy ass all day. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Thanks for adding to the discussion and proving my point.

Procrastinatron said:

Not knowing how to properly coil a cable != contributing to the moral dissolution of future generations.

Also, I'm getting tired of this entire ridiculous fascination society in general seems to have with people "getting their hands dirty." I grew up surrounded by intellectuals, and though they might've been able to handle simple problems around the house, there were other things they spent their time learning how to do.

These were mathematicians, programmers, psychologists and physicists, and for all the usefulness of plumbers, mechanics and others of their ilk, these intellectuals provided other services to society which were quite honestly no less vital to its success. What they taught me was how to use my brain rather than my hands, and frankly, the world as I see it is filled to the brim with people are perfectly willing to get their hands dirty but who are astoundingly unwilling to ever use their heads.

I spent about a week this summer building a fence, and for all the shallow gratification of "honest labour," I would honestly really prefer it if I could just pay someone else to do it while I stayed inside, learning about the world and everything that goes on in it, instead of working outside like some sort of beast of burden.

If you happen to be one of those people who for some reason feel that digging holes and putting large sticks in them is a meaningful pastime, I will neither stop you from doing it nor judge you for your choice. So please, would you kindly shut the fuck up about how wonderful it is to "get your hands dirty" and just leave me to my Goddamn books?

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