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This teacher has a flawless cheating strategy...

Ron Paul Recites Revisionist History Before Confederate Flag

Pantalones says...

Given that the Emancipation Proclamation didn't come until after the war had started, it's really difficult to frame the Civil War primarily as an abolitionist action.

Maher: Atheism is NOT a religion

Pantalones says...

Wow. That reaction is similar to when I pissed in holy water. It's as if I attacked a deeply heartfelt and cherished world order. The second, non-italicized part, is an example, as I said, and not a functional part of the definition. You're right, atheism has nothing to do with morality. It was something else that told you to call me a pedantic cunt.
>> ^budzos:

What second part of the definition does atheism fit into? Atheism has NOTHING to do with morality you fatuous dipshit.
EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to call you a pedantic cunt.

Also false. Although not universally, atheists often believe in scientifically supported theories concerning the cause, nature and purpose of the universe.
>> ^gwiz665:

Atheism makes no claims about cause, nature, purpose of the universe, or any superhuman agencies, or any moral code. Atheism is lack of belief in god, that's it.

Maher: Atheism is NOT a religion

Pantalones says...

religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

Interesting. Since the second part is an example, Atheism would seem to fit into this definition.

Mike Daisey - Kill The Corporation!

Ron Paul On race, drugs and death penalty

Pantalones says...

If you need permission, then it's not a right at all, it's a privilege. And while learning may be innate, it's also an active exercise that can't be taken away or allowed by permission. Forming opinions, having beliefs, simply existing, the idea that these things are granted by society, even if you could take them away seems...unnatural.>> ^gwiz665:

A "right" implies that you need permission. There is no "right to learn", it is a biological construct. You learn, because your brain works that way.

Ron Paul On race, drugs and death penalty

Pantalones says...


Ah, so the argument is any natural right is only as legitimate as it's subjective and relative foundation, and therefore simply a misnomer for negotiated right. That's an interesting standard for "natural". That's an interesting concept. As a counter argument, I ask, can I negotiate my right (not capacity or ability) to learn? How about my right to negotiate?

Seriously, if there is an author I can read up on, I'd enjoy reading a more in depth exploration of this idea.

Ron Paul On race, drugs and death penalty

When Porn actress Belladonna meets a Spanish painter.

Pantalones says...

Because other theater and screen stars wouldn't take drugs, drink, or spread disease. You wanna rail against immorality, then do it without cherry-picking an industry. Or, if you really want to make a point, why not point out the "fascist dehumanizing element" of this video?
>> ^quantumushroom:

Disclaimer: I like pr0n as much as the next dude and think hooking should be legal.
However, I hate the fascist dehumanizing element which seems to have become the standard, and hate even more the mainstreaming and glamorization of the pr0n "lifestyle" as legitimate theater.
Pr0n has its place, but if it's such a life-affirming industry then the "stars" wouldn't be drugging and drinking--and occasionally diseasing--themselves to death.
Pr0n is a useful poison; far less useful than other poisons. As for the rest of these clever comments, open mic night is on Thursday(s).

UC DAVIS Occupy Protesters Warned about use of force

Karl Pilkington and Ricky Gervais Discuss Infinity

Pantalones says...

This is a very old idea, and there is a nice proof of the theorem on Wikipedia. ( Given the history of this idea, it seems a bit premature, if not arrogant, to declare this wrong.

Infinity seems a rather easy concept to grasp. Given no time and space restrictions, everything has and/or will happen. It only becomes unlikely when physical parameters are assigned. Karl seems to be trapped in this universe.

#JaywalkSeattle--We have Polite Occupiers-great commentary

buying a bank of america short sale? hire a security gaurd

Pantalones says...

I'm trying to short sell from BoA. I had everything turned in, a buyer with CASH, an escrow agent assigned to the transaction; just needed BoA to say "ok" to sell a loan they bought from CountryWide for pennies on the dollar. BoA's response was a post-dated letter saying my loan had been transferred to a different bank.

Excuse me?

Too big to survive.

"Building 7" Explained

Rolemodel Cop Finds Gun, Remains Calm

Pantalones says...

If poster had an axe to grind, he didn't get the opportunity, and he wouldn't have posted the video. This is life as it should be, and I'm not a bit surprised the conscious beings surrounded by a series of tubes couldn't recognize it.

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