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Sophie Can Walk (doc on babies born without ability to walk)

Sonseed - "Jesus is my friend"

M: Pop Muzik (1979)

Even Rove Says McCain Is Lying

Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood (1981)

Media takes a hit from Obama - Silencing Public Opinion

Tina Fey Returns to SNL to play Sarah Palin

RH Reality Check: Contraception Access For Youth

Octopussy says...

Interesting topic that, as an ignorant European, I’d like to know more about. In the US (most states, which states?) how do you get contraceptives like the pill, or the morning-after pill if you’re a minor? Do you need a prescription? If so, can you be sure the doctor isn’t going to tell your parents? What ways do minors have to access reliable information about birth control? Of course, there are the interwebs, but if both your school and your parents have filters installed, do you have to sneak into a cybercafe?

I guess it’s obvious, I’m all for reliable information about anything to everybody, because I seriously don’t see how keeping kids ignorant is going to help (seriously, do all these abstinence-until-you’re-married programs tell the kids about how to plan your family and/or avoid STDs after your married?).

McCain: Palin Is Top Energy Expert In US, Understands Russia

Octopussy says...

>> ^mkknyr:
man... i bet $20 she doesn't know who the president of Russia is.

Haven't you noticed that she's Putin in drag: hunting, fishing, looking good, firing people for personal reasons, knows all about energy, is all about an economy benefiting the happy few, anti-gay, do not like bears either. A wig and spectacles is all he needs to pop over to the neighbouring country pretending to be her.

McCain: Palin Is Top Energy Expert In US, Understands Russia

rottenseed (Member Profile)

Tired of Firefox's Smart Location Bar Autocomplete? (Geek Talk Post)

Octopussy says...

Although clearing youporn from my history always worked perfectly for me , I did regret having a million bookmarks (which I never seem to clean up) showing up 1st, 2nd, 3rd &c until I’d typed in almost the whole address. E.g., the very cool trip I had to cancel last month because of a family emergency (which trip I don’t want to delete from my bookmarks, because they still have my E500 deposit) popped up every time I typed in anything because of its zillion silly bylines. Which is a little frustrating.

So, yes this DOES WORK and I although cannot say that it solved all my problems, I am grateful to RS for making my interwebs surfing hours of the day, aka most of the day, less frustrating.

Religion is Just Great. (Blog Entry by Farhad2000)

Charlie Gibson Interviews Sarah Palin

Octopussy says...

Well, Charlie, I don’t know what the Bush Doctrine is, but I do know how to pronounce nucular.

And, Charlie, we have to keep our eyes on Russia, which I’ve been doing for decades because you can actually see Russia from land, here in Alaska.

The british joke about the Black hole machine

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