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Bill Maher: Julian Assange Interview
I wonder if Bill Maher realizes he's the Democratic version of Bill O'Reilly. Was he always this pathetic?
Whitewashing Hollywood Roles
Some ungodly amounts of auto-tune going on there
Bill Maher: New Rules – October 16, 2015
At first I was thinking: "he actually brings up an interesting point, if only he'd tune down the condescending douche vibe".
But really, that tie in to Muslim countries and the "increased" frustration their young adult population is "subjected" to is downright retarded.
It's kinda amazing to me how someone like Bill Maher, who paints himself as a sort of enlightened "sane" voice of logic, is so preoccupied with taking jabs at Islam that even when he stumbles into an interesting talking point he can't help himself but spin it into exactly the kind of hateful, ignorant and demonizing nonsense he makes a living out of criticizing.
Funny how I just watched the latest John Oliver where he mentioned the Canadian elections and criticizes a decision that banned women from wearing niqabs
Take a page from John's book Bill, he's what sanity looks like.
Die Antwoord - Pitbull Terrier
Sorry for hating, but I just finished watching this and the first thing that came to mind was "I wonder what an interview with this guy would sound like, he must have the mental capacity of a poodle", so I Googled, and sure enough:
Hilarious really.
I guess I'm just not "on his level", I'm on that other level, where shit music sounds like shit
▶ Social Farter
This is some bs. As if social smokers are in denial about the fact they smoke (or that it's bad for them), they just use the term social smoking to indicate they smoke when going out/hanging out with friends/etc, not at home.
Should social drinkers "quit the denial" and face the fact that they're "drinkers", or if we go with the tone of this ad, alcoholics?
isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants
Right, I forgot American right-wing extremists are excluded from politics in favor of rational, forward thinking individuals. How lucky for you guys, if only us backward Israelis had the common sense to follow your example.
The thing is though: Glenn Beck can't deport anyone. The Westboro Baptist church can't lock people up for being gay. Fox News has no control of anything, they're just a news outlet.
In Israel on the other hand, it looks like there are actual people in power who do have the power to imprison the Sudanese in a specially-built prison just for them, where they stay until the Israeli government is ready to deport them. That's what's show in the video.
So, the comparison to US television isn't all that fitting. Sure, it's not showing you or your ilk, but it's still not an apt comparison. It's nothing like this.
isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying xenophobes are a minority in Israel, on the contrary. Unfortunately the world is full of ignorant assholes, Israel's no different, probably worse actually.
I'm not defending Israel or it's policies, all I'm saying is that this video is propaganda of the worst kind; the type that makes even myself, an Israeli with extremely left-wing values (almost anti-Zionist some would say), cringe.
Nice people don't "stand aside" and allow shit. They do what they can, more often than not it's not enough, and their efforts are crushed by the overwhelming stupidity of the masses, a problem quite common in most societies.
Believe me I'm the last guy who would make pro-Israeli arguments and I'm not making them now.
I'm just disgusted by this type of "journalism", it's incredibly cheap, and I feel a need to point it out.
I'm sure not all of israel is like that, but i have to say that with a people so historically persecuted you'd almost expect the good israelis to show up to lambast the ignorant ones and/or raise them better, shame them in their own communities for being xenophobic.
isreals new racism-the persecution of african migrants
Sorry to burst your bubble people but this "report" is biased beyond belief.
I live very close to this problematic area. I don't deny for a second this is a problem and I don't presume to have solutions for this issue.
A few things to keep in mind though:
1. Tel Aviv is pretty much the Israeli capital of left-wing liberals, there is no shortage of people calling out for a humane and democratic solution to the problem here and no shortage of local criticism for the racism expressed here.
2. There's a lot of racism, ignorance and bigotry in Israel. Much of it is directly tied to "religious nationalism". It's quite similar to the type of bullshit you see every day on networks like Fox and to the unbearable ignorance of Christian Republicans. Showing video clips of religious leadership and right-wing mobs expressing that ignorance as if it represents the Israeli society as a whole is retarded. It's the equivalent of showing Glenn Beck videos as a portrayal of the US's stance on immigration.
Honestly it's these types of videos that make me wonder how deluded I am in thinking I have any semblance of understanding of American politics, being a foreigner exposed mostly to left-wing friendly content.
Best Fails of the Week 4 June 2013
The writhing pit of motorcycle cliff casualties begs the question: "why?"
How to (Properly) Eat Sushi
No one's trying to cram anything down your throat, like I said, eat whatever and however the fuck you want to.
Yea the guy in the vid has a pretty strong douchebag vibe to him, and yea he goes about making his point not in the most delicate way. That doesn't change the fact that most of what he says is more or less true.
This isn't about your personal preference, it's about how Sushi, the dish (and Nigiri and Sashimi and whatever) is meant to be eaten, in order to be able to fully appreciate the taste of raw fish.
Again, like it or not, raw fish isn't hamburger or cornflakes or whatever. Being able to appreciate a good slice of raw fish requires that, for example, you don't put fucking ginger on top of it, the whole point of it being there is to cleanse the pallet between the different fish you're eating, so you'll be able to properly taste them - when you put it on top of the fish you're basically guaranteeing that you won't be able to feel the taste. It's there for a practical reason, not as a condiment. Same goes for dipping the entire thing in soy sauce, or whatever.
Even his point about eating with your hands as opposed to chopsticks is sorta valid. Many above-average sushi dishes WILL fall apart when you try and pick them up with chopsticks.
And no, you don't have to go to a 5 Michelin starred restaurant to be able to get a good dish of raw fish. Even a market stand will do if the fish are fresh.
At least realize that this "stench of aristocracy" you're referring to is a Western phenomenon, and you perceive it as such because generally it's much more common to see stuck-up pedantic bastards being strict about these kinds of things, as opposed to most people who just wanna shove crap in their mouths and have it taste "yummy".
That doesn't change the fact that these assholes didn't invent the way sushi is "meant" to be eaten, that there is a difference between a piece of fresh fish and one that's been frozen for months, and that that delicate difference, to be noticeable and appreciable has to be shown the proper respect.
Or you can just deep fry it.
You, @NinjaInHeat and @arekin (and I suppose the guy in the video) are the three amigos who want to cram the "correct sushi" down everyones' throats - I am not trying to force you to eat the regular rice-cake sushi that normal people do, you can do what you want.
In essence what you would call "correct sushi" is an entirely different dish than what is normally known as sushi, so it's sort of a silly argument in the end.
I guess my main point of contrition has nothing to do with sushi, but to do with the way in which it is presented. It stinks of aristocracy - people who know the right way and therefore snub their nose at all the others who clearly "just don't get it" - well fuck, there's not really much to get, you like to eat it in a certain way - whoopdefrickingdoo.
How to (Properly) Eat Sushi
To anyone offended by the "pretentiousness" of this video:
You just don't get it do you? You can't compare this stuff to the way you eat cornflakes or how you prefer to take your hamburger.
What he's talking about, what most people seem to completely misunderstand, is that sushi is ALL about the fish, it's what differentiates good and bad sushi, it's what makes quality sushi so expensive...
Now, you can eat however the fuck you want to eat, but you need to understand that when you go to a fancy sushi restaurant and you dip your entire nigiri in soy sauce mixed with wasabi and then even add ginger on top, you're throwing your money down the drain.
It's the equivalent of ordering a 100$ medium-rare steak and covering it in ketchup, then deep-frying it.
If that's how you choose to take your steaks, enjoy. But pretending there's no validity in the many ways different cultures around the world have of enjoying extra-fine foods and of enhancing one's ability to appreciate the taste of extra-fresh ingredients is just childish.
Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian
When I'm promoted and my pay-grade gets bumped at work I get taxed more for earning more. You don't see me saying "fuck it, what's the point?".
Corporations should most definitely be taxed HEAVILY, punishment has nothing to do with it, it's simply a matter of being part of a healthy, functioning society. If you have a problem with how that taxation money is then put to use that's another issue.
And if you want to talk about the "failure of capitalism", let's examine its evolution throughout the years, would you agree it's fair to say corporations today enjoy many more freedoms and hold much more power than they did in.. well, ever?
What's amazing is how willingly people disassociate themselves from their own governing bodies, not realizing that they are those governments, they are all you have that is meant to ensure the well-being of the society you live in (regardless of how well they manage at it). And you, and any sensible person would do well to not only expect, but demand, that massive corporations who are not bound to those governments and do not rely on their "protection" would pay heavy taxes simply for that privilege.
@NinjaInHeat IANAL, but isn't a loophole the exact definition of legally circumventing a law?
My statement doesn't imply concern for Apple, but with our obscene tax burden. Sure, Apple is avoiding taxes, but would paying them make any difference to our hideously massive deficit?
I'd rather see Apple use that money researching a better iPhone, than have government waste it on incompetence, war, and corruption.
Also, what's up with wanting corporations to be heavily taxed? Do you think Apple's profits are obtained at the expense of society? Don't they provide anything of value (like, you know, Apple products) to justify those profits?
If you think they should be punished for being so successful, what kind of message does that send to other businesses, "if you're successful and you grow, we will award you with higher taxes"?
Seriously, it never ceases to amaze me how people sometimes uphold the most blatantly anti-capitalistic views and practices, only to accuse capitalism of being a failure.
Apple's dirty little tax secret -- Guardian
Finding loop-holes in the law isn't really a "legal" way of avoiding the law.
Also, are you honestly concerned for Apple? Do you really believe corporations of such massive proportions shouldn't be heavily taxed?
People seem to forget Apple's business practices have always been shady as shit, I truly hope they get destroyed for this (though I'm well aware they won't).
Uh... charging absurd taxes seems a lot dirtier than legally avoiding them.
Dog eating contest
ermmmm, isn't it extremely bad for them to be eating that? (not implying pancakes are healthy for humans but isn't this type of food especially unhealthy for dogs?).
Fist of Jesus
holy poop