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Frank Kelly - Fast, Sideways and Mental


Fox's Shepard Smith On Kim Davis: "Haters Are Gonna Hate"

An Island made from plastic bottles by Richart Sowa

BP is Sorry

Mammaltron says...

That's rather the point of the video, isn't it? BP are the ones who were all "¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ... sorry".

This event and others like it happened because someone thought it was worth the risk for money.

Actually a lot of people did; the company, whose major decision-makers will only be concerned if it affects the value of their beach properties, and even then may not notice.

The government, which for various reasons allows the exploitation of natural resources like this. Those reasons range from direct cash deposits in offshore accounts, to the general notions of what's "good for the economy" held by our corporate-entertained politicians.

Environmental risk management should be done with zero regard to the likelihood of said risk; assume it *will* happen and work from there.

But no, that's sandal-wearing, beard-and-vegetable-growing lib*/greenie/hippy talk.

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Wtf.. this is not even funny.

It's a real thing, that actually happened.. and we're all just sitting here like:

"...whelp.." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Why is stuff like this even allowed to happen?! o_O?

Ronda Rousey breaks Web Host's Ribs

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Infrastructure (HBO)

Mammaltron says...

Oil crusades in the middle east, and fat envelopes for Wall Street thieves won't pay for themselves. You people will have to make do.

Dog Freaks Out Over Cat Decoration

Smarter Every Day - Facebook Freebooting

Raw Video: The President Takes a Surprise Walk

The Lord of the Rings Mythology Explained - CGP Grey

Mammaltron says...

The Silmarillion is strictly for Tolkien completionists. Most of it is incredibly dull history with name after name, who begat who and who they fought with.

It's like reading actual dull history, only fictional.

I admire Tolkien for writing it though. True devotion, even obsession with his world.

Aerosol formed via toilet flush

Mammaltron says...

I think Mythbusters looked at this issue in the context of toothbrushes residing within a few metres of the toilet.

The upshot was yes, you're literally getting shit on your toothbrush, but not very much.

Islam Vs Racism

Mammaltron says...

The EDL (represented here by the driver) certainly seem to be pretty horrible shits.

However my own liberal live-and-let-live inclinations definitely face a problem when confronted with radical Islam and other toxic memes.

How does such a liberal philosophy deal with an opposing philosophy which will fundamentally not live-and-let-live?

It's the pacifist versus the warrior, and moral victories are a bit useless when they are posthumous.

Of course none of this is helped by the moneyfuckers led by the United States and Great Britain, who are more than happy with this fire while they are selling fuel and firefighting equipment.

Oh look a honking cat! Heeheehee!

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

Mammaltron says...

I can't quite see the case for why this death is so outrageous. He's a big guy who it appears was physically assaulting an armed police officer. That is never going to end in a discussion and mutual agreement.

Seems like the community overreacted because colours, then the cops massively overreacted in return and demonstrated they have far too large a budget for soldier toys.

Cats are Dicks... watch until the end

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