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The new see-through airplane of the future

Jesus_Freak says...

Did he say acupuncture? Don't tell me I have to wait 40 years to have needles stuck into my back to help me feel at ease during major turbulence and a rough landing. I wonder how many more flight attendants will have to be hired to reload all the needles.

The far fetched pipe dreams diminish the shine of the more realistic predictions in this video.

The Cars - Just What I Needed - The Midnight Special 1978

Jesus_Freak says...

So, was the notion of Ric Ocasek as lead singer just an elaborate lie all these years? I knew he didn't sing "Drive," but was he not lead back in their first albums?

I sheepishly confess having all of their tapes in the floorboard of my car during high school, from Candy-O to Door to Door.

Russell Brand Stream of Consciousness

Raw Video: Tornado Blows Through Miss. Town

Valve's Snack Bar

Another Earth - Haunting 2011 Trailer

TDS: Mother F#@kers - Abortion Business For Profit

Jesus_Freak says...

Ah, yes. God dispenses wrath and judgment on nations, so He must be pro-abortion. He's either sovereign to judge ALL nations, or He's subject to being judged by your own intellectual evaluations. Good luck with that.

If the God talk is tainting your emotional objectivity, choose from an array of secular arguments. Look at what the Nazi's did to the mentally handicapped via medical experimentation after they were deemed not fully human. How about the pre-emancipation notion that slaves were a fraction of human value. How did our humanity stack up in those cases? Saying an unborn baby <> a mother as long as they're making physical contact with the birth canal is a slippery slope of morality. I just don't understand how few of you see that.

TDS: Mother F#@kers - Abortion Business For Profit

Jesus_Freak says...

Kalle -

I would discourage your mocking use of my "magic book" to support your arguments unless you actually understood what's in it.

You shall not kill/murder is number 6, for starters. This is also a commandment of personal conduct. The very same section of the Bible outlines various capital crimes, almost none of which carry the penalty of death in this day and age. I'm just pointing out that the sixth commandment does not preclude capital punishment. I should not personally seek revenge through a crime of passion, but society was granted recourse at that level. See also Romans 13, particularly verse 4. Governing authorities have not been given "the sword for no reason."

Please, dispense with the shrill atheistic arguments of breaking the Sabbath being a capital crime. The whole point of the law, from the Christian perspective, is to illustrate that we all fall short of it. The penalty for sin...all death. You're talking to someone who has been spared from the death penalty through the sacrifice of my savior. I am not a "hang 'em high" proponent of the death penalty. In all cases, I would prefer grace.

You managed to completely circumvent the entire point of my argument. Instead of addressing the injustice of killing innocent life, you chose to dilute the need to punish criminals to normalize the difference between the two.

TDS: Mother F#@kers - Abortion Business For Profit

Jesus_Freak says...

Um. Really? Hypocrisy? Let's see. How about we take your logic for a spin. What's more innocent and blameless than a newborn (or soon to be newborn) baby? Maybe that stuffed bear from the old Snuggle commercials, but that's another discussion. Let's plop the baby on one side of the scale. Now let's take the dirtbag who shot up Giffords, that 9-year-old girl, and a bunch of innocent bystanders. He goes on the other side of the scale.

You're saying that I'M screwed up for wanting to protect the baby while being fine with a premeditated murderer being called to account for his actions.

If I indeed equated babies to capital criminals, then call me hypocrite all day long. What astounds me is YOUR apparent "logic."

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Jesus_Freak says...

I imagine an evangelical atheist is excited to share his views because of what he perceives as freedom of rejecting the notion of God (or attesting that he sees no evidence for God), and the shedding of the shackles that organized religion seems to entail.

I also imagine the stereotypical view of what drives an evangelical Christian is one (or more) of three things:

  • Fear that if he does not share his faith, he'll be punished or not make it to heaven.

  • Brainwashing from his mother and father since childhood.

  • Some twisted pleasure from telling you that you're going to hell while "I'm not."

What I don't have to imagine is the ACTUAL reason I'm thankful for my Christianity. I've led a very satisfying life with very tangible blessings stemming from my relationship with Jesus Christ. I've found His teaching to be profound and reliable, I've found indescribable freedom, and I've found layers of comfort that surpass all understanding. If you wish to maintain a dim view of all Christians in some stereotypical way, you do so with a focus of poor examples of some individuals who share my faith, or from a lack of exeprience that your scientific analysis can't quantify.

I could fill this page with research and references of why I think "Christ was special and unique," which would no doubt be fodder for whatever counter-arguments you're eager to provide. What I'll tell you is: living is believing. Hate or disrespect me all you like, but it won't change me. I'm just as entitled to my excitement as you are yours.

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Jesus_Freak says... the way, I will "take it with a smile" because of that whole "turn the other cheek" concept Jesus put on the table. My comments are only meant to highlight hypocrisy and double-standards. Insult me all you wish about my belief in Jesus Christ.

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Jesus_Freak says...

Bidouleroux - At least you make no attempt to mask your biggotry. You attack me full bore, why, because of my screen name or because I'm not like-minded with you on your rejection of Christ's deity? The lack of venue for civilized conversation between our two perspectives in this day and age is what saddens me.

Atheists like you drill me day in and day out for the audacity to share what I believe to be the best gift on the planet. You have a free will to reject my message however abruptly you wish. But then you turn around with a hard-core message of "there is no God and you're an idiot to think otherwise," and I'm supposed to take it with a smile.

Atheists who try to use the Bible as a lever against my spiritual beliefs amuse me. When you get around to studying it more than I have, maybe your arguments will carry weight. Assuming I know nothing of my own Bible was ignorant at best on your part. Your argument, by the way, that Jesus made no claims of diety hold no water.

Jimmy Carr + Atheism = Win

Jesus_Freak says...

Anyone who was raised Catholic and can't answer "what was so special about Jesus" either wasn't listening or was horribly underserved in the teaching department.

What I did find refreshing from this clip (compared to the buh-zillion other atheism clips on the sift) was his willingness to live and let live in terms of other people's beliefs with minimal judgmentalism. I find "evangelical atheists" to be a bit ironic.

Flash Snowball Fight in D.C.: Detective Pulls Gun

Jesus_Freak says...

For those of you out there who ever wanted to become a cop, can you honestly say that the top reason was NOT to be able to pull out a Beretta at any time like Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon?

I guess some of us actually grow up to be police officers.

I didn't.

Never grew a Riggs mullet either, though.

Tape Measure Ninjas

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