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Hurricane Aftermath: New Jersey National Guard dumbasses

Gamble says...

These vehicles are actually of the LMTV/FMTV chassis, not HEMTTs, and honestly, if the water had been still, they probably would have been fine. During a previous hurricane relief, guys from our unit drove through water deep enough to cover the windows (the vehicles have a secondary hand throttle, so you can hang out of them if needed). Additionally, the transmission and tires are computer controlled, allowing you to hit the command for "Fording" and the truck adjusts accordingly. It's honestly an amazing vehicle, and I half-expected to see it make it through this.

Go easy on them though, the National Guard does not get the same funding/constant training that the active Army does. National Guards are ran by the states, not the federal government. If you want to call anyone stupid, start with assholes on the bridge for not getting the fuck out and forcing the National Guard in, and blame the assholes that govern those assholes (on the bridge) for not giving them the needed training.

Goose Runt has his revenge

Prosthetic Eye Removal & Insertion

Gamble says...

I felt myself cringing through the majority of this video. The sad thing is, even though she handles that semi-gruesome task like a champ, she's probably still grossed out by things like bugs. Cute girl though, if you can get over the crazy pupils.

WikiLeaks Has Proven the First Amendment is Dead and Gone

Gamble says...

Judge Napolitano is actually a pretty level-headed guy. Just about any show on Fox that he gets called into talk on, he often presents damn good points. It's a shame they give Glenn Beck a show but this guy gets mere tidbits.

And yes, I watch Fox News. I watch all major media, simply because I don't trust any of them. </paranoid>

How to dance to Scatman John

AronRa Wishes You Happy Holidays Anyway

Gamble says...

I'm an atheist, and I'm in the armed forces. We have people from all walks of life. All religions, races, creeds. To say that we all tolerate eachother's differences would be incorrect. "Tolerate" implies that we put up with things that are unpleasant. Rather, we understand one another, and except the occasional light-hearted jokes, there is little-to-no judging. If someone tells me Merry Christmas, I respond with the same. If someone tells me Happy Holidays, there is no difference.

I wish America would pull it's head out of it's ass, grow a pair, and stop getting it's panties in a bunch every single time someone says something that goes against your beliefs. The military can manage it to get along, despite all our stresses, why the hell can't you damned religious people grow up?

Regardless of what the damn business puts on it's walls, you still have to wake up, go to work, pay bills, cook dinner, put gas in your car, and progress your life. "Happy Holidays" vs "Merry Christmas" doesn't freakin' matter. Fuck.

Kinect GEL Ride

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Gamble says...

I searched google for about 20 minutes for news articles to back up my statements. In all honesty, I found just one.
25/driver-blamed-string-crashes-says-he-smoked-pot-fi/ I'm not quite sure why so few articles come up. Perhaps drivers aren't tested for marijuana as much as they are alcohol? I'm open to debate here.

>> ^Duckman33:

>> ^Gamble:
I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.
I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.
Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.
Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.
In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

I have never seen any evidence that anyone has ever died as a direct result of marijuana use, and you provided none to back up your claims. But I have heard and read many reputable people say that no one has ever died from it's use.
I can tell you one thing. I'd feel more comfortable getting behind the wheel after taking a bong hit or two than after drinking a six pack. If anything I'd drive slower and more cautiously. Drunk I'd speed, and more than likely be swerving all over the road. Comparing the impairment you get from weed to alcohol is ridiculous.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Gamble says...

I'm not discussing whether or not it's toxic. I'm stating the the claim that nobody, IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, has ever died from marijuana abuse is bullshit, and a ridiculously unbelievable claim to make.

I drink, I smoke, and a few years ago, before my employment started testing me, I smoked pot. I have no problem with anyone else doing the same. However, the claim that it can't kill you is, frankly, retarded.

Take automobile accidents alone. (Keep in mind, in the interest of being fair, that alcohol-related auto fatalities occur far more often.) In France alone, 7% of all drivers in fatal car crashes were found to be under the influence of marijuana. As with alcohol, the impairing effects stack with the more you consume.

Alcohol is statistically shown to kill more on the highways than marijuana. I disagree with drunk-driving, and sincerely hope that all those that do find their way into a ditch without harming others. Marijuana is an impairing substance as well, and I have no more patience for it on our roads than I do alcohol.

In light of all that, I'm 100% supportive of everybody getting baked out of their minds as long as they don't endanger others.
>> ^enoch:
so can i infer from your comment you disagree with joe rogans claim?
while i did find three "possible" recorded deaths over the last 20 yrs due to weed..they could not be substantiated and a coroner in england who theorized much more...there really is no evidence to back up the claim that weed kills.
but you go right ahead and plug your ears and cover your eyes and continue to believe the corporate funded propaganda campaign demonizing weed.
it is like it's the 1940's again!

>> ^Duckman33:

100% correct. No one has died from pot. Get over it.

Joe Rogan on Hemp, Marijuana and DMT

Russian Army Promotional Video

Man rescues female shopkeeper from douchebag.

Point of View awesome Speedflying

C17 Air Drop: 4 Humvee's + 50 paratroopers

Gamble says...

We do jump out of the tailgate at times, but usually not C17/130. The static line (the yellow cable attached to the cable in the plane that deploys the parachute) has a greater chance of getting wrapped around things it doesn't need to be. Like the jumpers.>> ^Seric:

>> ^visionep:
Why don't the paratroopers jump off the back?

I'd imagine it'd be harder to mount the chute cable at the back. Also, if they all jumped at once they might fuck up each other during the decent. May as well use the side door with the cable and the one-at-a-time method.

Oh man. About 6 months ago one of the other units in my brigade had one catch a crazy thermal/gust before something went wrong and it came in too hot. Almost smashed into the road. Was pretty sweet.
>> ^NordlichReiter:

So how do I get them to drop one of those in my drive way?

Corgis Run On Treadmill

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