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Koch Brothers Can't Stand Their Own Organizations

Dread says...

Lantern53.... The derp is strong with this one... I don't think logic has anyplace here. So I'm not going to bother

Talented Turkish Trickster Totally Trolls Tourist

Dread says...

I think the reason people enjoy these videos is because it showcases an individual that is so obviously enjoying what they are doing. They are so content in their daily routines that they can be playful & not caught up in negative emotions stemming from their 'lot' in life.

The reality is that this man is seems happy at his work, and I think many people gravitate towards that because they wish they could find the same.

artician said:

This is far from the first video I've seen where a person doing what Americans would consider a menial job, excels at something Americans would pay to see as a "performance".

Gorilla Pranks Zoo Workers

Dread says...

I would wager that the sound of the machinery in the background might be painful to the gorilla's sensitive ears.

Always frustrates me when I see a video of a dog freaking out when it is exposed to sounds that are most likely painful to their sensitive hearing, and some derpy person is sitting there wondering what the hell their dog is freaking out about...

Evaporating Water Experiment at -41°C/F

Dread says...

Perhaps because the h2o molecules, when heated, are further spread out. This makes it easier for the heat energy to be leached from an essentially larger surface area.

GeeSussFreeK said:

The "Mpemba effect", hot water freezing faster than cold water, is not currently well understood. Some possible explanations are (summed up from above reading).

Evaporation of hot water is a heat transport method out of the main body of liquid, causing a super cooling effect.

Convection currents in warmer water might spread around ice crystals faster.

Frost effect will tend to cause a generally slow freezing from the top instead of warm water from the bottom and sides

None of these give a full account to the phenomena and each has been individually ruled out as the sum total of the effect. Some myriad of factors or some basic lack of insight into thermodynamics is most likely the culprit.

The short of it one really knows.

It's always better to give than receive.

The Coolest Instrument You've Probably Never Heard Of

Dread says...

We had 2 of these as decorations in my house while I was growing up.

I was born in S. Africa, this was one of the many trinkets of heritage my parents had gathered throughout their lives. My father would sit sometimes and play one after dinner, it was his way of revisiting his childhood and reminiscing.

Beautiful sound, the ones they had were actually made from old iron nails that were hammered flat and then attached to the main board. They still sounded very similar to this one, but they also had a very rustic and old look to them.

Amazing how much this sound is carrying me back into some of my childhood memories.

What Makes a Serial Killer Cry

Dread says...

>> ^Sagemind:

Emotions, hate and everything negative create a killer - thereby emotion, forgiveness and love shall set him free.
...And by free, I mean free to remorse and begin a process of feeling what it is to be human again.
Since negative forces create a killer, condemnation and negativity will never penetrate to hard shell he has around him. The unexpected realization that someone is reaching out, someone you expect only condemnation from can be the chisels to start the first crack of remorse and acceptance that maybe someone out there cares.

Very well put.

He is so used to negative feedback from people, it probably just fuels how he validates his actions. It is the unexpected act of kindness that he was not prepared for.

When I see someone who is sick, I see a symptom of that illness. When I see a member of society acting in this fashion I see a symptom of a social illness. We are all responsible for our own actions, don't get me wrong. However I wonder if there was any point in this man's upbringing where something could have been done differently so that he wouldn't have brought so much pain to others.

On a side note I have a ton of respect (despite his tendency towards believing in mythology) for a man who can forgive another for such a devastating act of cruelty.

Tea Party is the American Taliban

Dread says...

Undermining the freedoms of a culture/society through violence or through political manipulation does not change the fact that you are still a device of social segregation.

The point is that there are certain people that are obsessed with trying to exert control over others they perceive to be inferior. I would argue it is out of fear and personal insecurities, which is perhaps a different topic.

Why is this a facet of our species in this day and age? We have the power to perceive and evaluate ourselves and our actions as they affect the people around use. What is it in our society or culture or upbringings that is affecting our lack of introspection so much?

There are some people that are not reaching a basic level of personal enlightenment that are negatively affecting so many around them. I am worried, our destination as a species is not so clear nor bright when I look forward in time.

Surfing Wave Pool Dubai

Dread says...

>> ^Yogi:

It's an eco-disaster? I wouldn't think it could be that bad seeing as it's in a horrible wasteland of a desert. It makes sense it would harm the ocean near it though. I was more concerned as you said about the human rights aspect and the slave labor used to build it.

Wastelands are a result of an imbalance in a biosphere. They are usually a result of human interaction within an ecosystem, or occasionally large asteroids/meteors. Deserts are not wastelands, they have some of the most diverse and adaptive lifeforms on the planet.

Yes, fucking up a desert is still considered causing an Eco-disaster.

As for the slave labor... 95% of our goods in North America are from sweat shops over seas. Who are we to pass judgment on ethical practices overseas when we endorse those same practices in every consumer product we purchase?

There is a good reason I find it harder to sleep as each new night approaches.

Edit: dammit that made me bitter. It's a good video of people having fun.

Why Bacon is Considered a Breakfast Food

Dread says...

I'm of the opinion that these methods of massive crowd manipulation are unfortunately a blight on psychologies contribution to humankind & far form beneficial for the advancement of our species as an evolved society.

I do not see much good that has come from Bernays' philosophies and how they have been used to increase the average persons delusion that happiness is brought forth via external material acquisition.

I do instead see a few very wealthy individuals throughout society whom most assuredly endorse and utilize these systems... I wonder if they are truly happy?

Couple Arrested For Asking Directions

Dread says...

>> ^lantern53:

Woman cops...too many of them are badge-heavy. Some of them are pretty good. Too many cause more problems than they solve.

Reality: Men and women miserable in life that are cops...too many of them are badge-heavy. Some of them are pretty good. Too many cause more problems than they solve

Contrary to popular belief apart form some minor physical variances, both male and female (hereafter recognized as the human brain) is the same piece of grey matter. Sexuality has nothing to do with mental dysfunction.

Instead a lack of an individuals personal development due to a deflection of introspection tends to lead towards aggressively lashing out at people around them, or social dysfunction.

Another interesting note, the more psychological pressure we experience the more immature we become. With psychological pressure mental maturity regresses. Ever seen a child lash out in a temper tantrum? That can be anyone put under the right pressure. We all snap at some point.

What is causing this pressure for her? Is it family related? Financially instigated? What part does our society play in it? How? Is this affecting a large percentage of the population?

Dog terrified of low-fat lamb jerky

Dread says...

My guess is that there is something in the jerky that he is smelling as very unhealthy or bad. Notice his reaction only comes after he smells the jerky. Personally I would not touch that shit with a ten foot pole either after seeing his reaction.

If the apocalypse came I would roam around with a pooch, and I would present him with any food I found. If he wouldn't eat it you can bet your ass (and I guess mine)I wouldn't.

Unless we have an example of a similar breed of dog that is not reacting with such aversion to the same product.

The only other option is that he for some reason has a phobia of something to do with the jerky. Which I find to be a possibility but incredibly unlikely.

To the bitter end.

Dread says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Look, I can clearly see the guy loves his dog, and seems to do anything to ease its pain. But seriously, he needs to fucking get his head out of his ass and have the dog put down. As far as I'm concerned, this is animal cruelty, and its all too common with owners who cant bear the thought of putting their dog out of its misery.
Dogs have a really high tolerance for pain, which means that they can be in a lot of pain without showing it. When they DO show it, like this poor old sap, it means they are in a WORLD of pain. Constantly.
Insofar as anything is supposed to be anything, I would say that dogs are definitely not supposed to live like that. Dogs are supposed to be able to run, jump and have fun, to use their healthly legs and not least their brains, to do searches and whatnot. Being in constant pain (save for a few hours in the water) and barely being able to walk, much less run, is no life for a dog.
Putting a dog down is hard. Really hard. I know, because I've done it. I love all dogs, and I love my own dogs to death and its the hardest shit ever. But it needs to be done. Its part of having a dog, its part of the responsibility: If you get a dog its your goddamn responsibility to feed it every day, to walk it every day, to play with it every day, and not least to end its misery when the dog cant do those things anymore.

I fully understand your point and respect the humanity (or doganity?...) However I would never be able to put any creature out of its misery unless it could communicate in some fashion how much pain its in. I don't see how we can make that decision unless we have the proof (in this case a dogs whimpers or whining) to make that choice. I would feel terrible if I could not guarantee that I made the right choice.

Even though he is taking such drastic steps to ease the animals pain we don't know how severe the situation actually is. The owner might simply be going above and beyond when taking his pooch out for these naps.

Curiosity's Descent footage

Dread says...

I am fascinated and quite proud of humanity for this feat. It is no small accomplishment and the NASA engineers should be congratulated on their planning and execution of a near flawless automated landing.

However all that being said this video is not very exciting nor captivating, the majority of it is simply a brownish blur of an image.

An overlay of what is taking place and maybe even some highlights would help this video have more general impact.

So much for cleanliness is next to godliness

Dread says...

>> ^deathcow:

>> ^G-bar:
im just flabbergasted at how the U.S. is an empire with a population such as this...

Yeah ALL Americans are like this, and NOBODY from other countries, weird eh

It is strange that the vast majority of videos demonstrating the intellectually challenged and their points of view tend to originate from the good old U.S. of A. Perhaps it has something to do with a lack of educational funding over the past few decades, or a complete disregard for quality education and a belief that education can be formed around some mythological views.

I guess every village has its idiot(s)... I lost my village a long time ago

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