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Sukhoi Video of Maks 2005 Airshow

14026 says...

I agree with jerry, the Sukhoi line of jet fighter/bombers seems the most aesthetically appealing line if military aircraft in the world, and the maneuvers they can do! Should be labeled as *spacy. This is the first time I've seen footage of the SU-34 in operation.

Kite Aerial Photography -- a very cool artform

Gwen Stefani & the Soggy Bottom Boys

George Galloway tells it like it is!

It's a Moose on the loose in a house

BART shooting cop arrested in Nevada

IBM molecular MRI

14026 says...

I'm no expert in medical imaging or microscopy but a layman can readily see that that's a fundamentally different technology from conventional MRI, targeting samples of fundamentally different sizes. To compare the two as they are doing with their "100 million x" statement seems almost meaningless, as it would be to compare electron microscopy to SLR photography.

Immortal Technique's "Dance with the Devil"

Top Gear: Communist Cars

14026 says...

I detect some elitist bias from the capitalist pigs. That drop test? The Toyota was "dropped" with a falling building, where the glorious FSO was dropped free onto solid concrete.

Ultra hardcore gang fight

Excessive Rooster

Shark does a spinning jump behind a surfer

14026 says...

Before people go on about sharks being deadly and scary, adding this to the Fear channel or claiming that sharks eat surfers, consider the evidence:

* This is a long telephoto shot. The shark was likely at least 100m from the surfer.

* The shark was swimming directly upward, not toward any surfer. Probably chasing some smaller prey (which for a show like that I really hope it caught!).

Bug ups for the photographer. What an amazing shark shot. I love sharks and, no, I've never been bitten by one.

UPS - Have your packet delivered swiftly and not gently!

14026 says...

Fed ex has free customs brokerage into Canada, but they bury the difference in their high shipping. Post seems the most cost-effective these days. UPS into Canada is brutal.

Animated video game classics

The Craft of War: Blind

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