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A tour of a city in ruins, Detroit

Black Slaves in Iraq

Glenn Beck's Worst-Case Scenarios for the US

10768 says...

Buy gold and silver now. Stock up on guns, ammo and food. "President" Obama is leading us towards a Zimbabwean future. Already you have his ACORN cronies occupying foreclosed houses similar to Mugabe's "veterans" seizing lands there.

Rick Santelli "This is America, Obama are you listening?"

10768 says...

>> ^rougy:
What a bunch of assholes.
Most of the people getting screwed today with the mortgage crisis were good honest folks, and the people who screwed them were like the bunch of dicks sitting in that room.


Most of these people getting screwed are geniuses who counted on an every rising housing market to allow them to flip a house for a profit, or who just bought homes they could never have afforded and they should have done the math, or who slipped through the credit checks because Obama-loving fraudsters like ACORN pressured the banks into lending to poor minorities unable to make the balloon payments.

Whatever the case, execute the repossessions, sell them to someone who can afford them and let the market sort things out. To simply print money and to reward careless borrowing and expect us to foot the bill is a high crime.

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
Which is why violence is monopololized in the police.

And that is why it is better to have an armed populace. Look at violence in cities where the people have been disarmed (Chicago, D.C.) compared to those with more liberal carry laws (Dallas, Portsmouth). Live free or die, mate!

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
I am aware of that point of view, and if freedom is the only ideal, it might even make sense. If you also want to see reduced violence, it does not make sense.

It does make enduring sense, for to defend onreelf with pacifism is to be a victim or subject. The savages will always run amock, with guns or without, it is just men with weapons who keep our society civil.

cnn - lou dobbs "2nd amendment under attack" (by Obama)

10768 says...

>> ^Almanildo:
Sounds like good news to me.

Guns in the hands of a free populace are the ultimate guarantor of that freedom. That's not just my opinion.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government"

-- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

Buffalo Beheading - TV Exec. Decapitates Wife for "Honor"

10768 says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Funny how when the story broke out about the Chrisitan woman drowning her children because God told her to do it we didn't extrapolate her actions to mean everyone of faith is bat shit insane.
But here we do. LOL.

Clearly that is because the woman was a tragic anomaly, whereas "Honor Killings" are a sick, endemic cultural phenomenom that is being clung to even as it's devotes migrate to the west.

Hamas Deadly Campaign Against Suspected Collaborators

10768 says...

>> ^joedirt:
If this is "deadly" then this is snuff. I watched the video and it was leg beatings. Probably without permanent damage.

Joe, I Sincerely hope no one ever causes you such temporary damage.

Global Warming Hoax

10768 says...

>> ^vaporlock:
Check the sources and make your own judgments.
Here are a few:

Thanks. My judgement is that your links are from an unreliable and demonstrably biased source.

Criticism of SourceWatch
SourceWatch has a generally liberal and left-wing outlook on issues, and most of the project's investigative and critical articles are aimed and directed at what SourceWatch perceives to be prominent conservatives, those that are right-of center and Republican Party organizations and individuals.

Sourcewatch has been criticised by conservatives and opponents of environmentalism for its political stance. Alan Caruba, who describes himself as a critic of "environmental propaganda' writes "Source Watch is a project of the Center of Media & Democracy, a left-wing organization that devotes a lot of time to attacking the public relations profession in general and conservative writers in particular."[4].

Closest Thing to Unicorns: White Deer Herd

10768 says...

They are beautiful! I live about an hour away from them. They have been in the fenced off depot all these years; no good reason to change that now.

Muhamad Al-Dura was not killed.

10768 says...

Moodonia - Obviously they kill their own kids all the time. Hello suicide bombers.

Billpayer - 1400 dead Palestinians, 14 dead Israelis. FACT
I find this number dubious, and ultimately meaningless.

donotthink - The cameraman was in on the lie, why quote him? Did you see the lieing grin when he was called out? Vermin...

Obama's First Interview as President

10768 says...

Now There's a comforting occurence, B. Hussein Obama gives his first ever real El Presidente interview to Al Aribiya.

In other news, Al Qaeda is preparing to take over his security detail.

BBC documentary on dismal US Healthcare

10768 says...

>> ^qruel:
<IMG class=smiley src="">yo mharvey42 get with the program, this isn't youtube. Feel free to disagree but how about putting some meat on your arguement instead of shit ass generalities. VS allows tons of text and hyperlinks so go knock yourself out with googlefu to prove your point.

OK, here's some NHS "success stories"
Britain shamed by NHS death ratesWaiting lists and shortage of doctors blamed for grim mortality figures
UK's system killed 17,000 Britons
Dad Dies After Hospital A&E Wait

Here's the DEC Gaza crisis appeal BBC refused to air

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