Vide-ass-hosts: Region blocking the future of online videos?

(AP) American video hosts spokesman releases statement to non-American viewers
Lately many of us here have noticed a marked upswing in videos being blocked by region by the video hosts themselves. By now we're all aware of the Comedy Central problem, but more and more sites have been pulling the same shenanigans as of late. Thylan's been all over this story from the get-go:
Adult Swim region blocking?
Video host Hulu has region restrictions
And even mighty YouTube is selectively blocking some videos for their corporate buddies:
YouTube allows access restrictions
I myself experienced region-blocking problems with YouTube twice just recently, so I don't think this problem is going away, and in fact I see it only getting worse. My question is simple, but the answer may be quite difficult: What can we do as a site to work around this? If this problem were confined to just one host I wouldn't be asking, but obviously it's not. I'd hate to think of our non-American sifting colleagues being blocked from so many videos, and because of this situation I think it puts the future viability of this site in jeopardy. I know if I were outside the US and over time I learned that I couldn't view more and more videos, more than likely I would come here less and less, and eventually I'd be inclined to stop coming here completely. Just one man's opinion.
I hate to sound alarmist, but I think we need to work on finding a solution now before it's too late.
EDIT: I'm not proposing a ban on any or all of the above-mentioned sites. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. I'm looking for some type of techno-geek solution. Because I'm not a techno-geek I don't know what's possible and what isn't. That's why I'm asking all of you.
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