Should We Restore Votes to Whatever Videos We Can?

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A total of 3 votes have been cast on this poll.

We were lucky enough to find an old pile of vote data from the start up to about a year and a half ago. In addition to that, a couple of tech savvy members have been attempting to "hack" the Google and Yahoo caches of our video pages to find whatever vote data they could.

What we want to know from you is how would you feel about restoring only partial vote data?

We can definitely restore essentially all votes that were cast up until about Sept 2, 2007. Using google/yahoo cache data, we *might* be able to restore more. I say might because our attempts to get our hands on the data are still ongoing and as every minute passes, the chances of finding data decrease. There could be zero videos updated from the cache info or a few dozen or a few hundred and probably not much above that.

This will mean that videos and users who were successful up to that point will be the best ranked stuff right now. And it would be up to you the community to re-cast your votes for everything in between.

It might be best just to leave the level playing field we created as-is so all videos start out from scratch. But this will benefit newer videos since they get viewed and voted on the most.

What say you?

Make sure you take a look at the other poll:

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