I'm ALL nerdy up in here! Installing Ubuntu 7.10 on my PS3

 I only have 1 PS3 (see ref), and really like it. The PS3 is not nearly as paranoid as a XBox360 with all of it's DRM and such.

Around the time my son was born I found myself going back to the game systems. I had not had one since the SNES (1990?) and I went a little hog wild. Got a XBox 360, then I picked up a used xbox from Craigs List hacked it all up, threw in a huge hard drive, ect.  then I got a PS3, then a Wii, then a PSP and then a Nintendo DS lite.

I have never been one to camp on single brand, I have always had a PC and a Mac around the house, I had a SNES and a Sega Genisis back in the day, why should my OS platforms be any diffrent.

I run XP, Vista, OS X and now Ubuntu. It makes the sexy little PS3 at under 500 bucks a pretty nifty desktop machine too.

If you have a toe in the PS3 world I point you to this post, so you may join in on the fun. 

winkler1 says...

Wow..that is geeky. Good on ya!
I have an Xbox running XBMC, it's great if a little underpowered.
Have you checked out Synergy for sharing mouse/keyboard between adjacent machines? It works great.

youdiejoe says...

Sigh... I guess this is as good a time as any to mention that my wife and I are getting a divorce after 16 years of marriage. Ironically one of things she has trouble with is the geeky-ness. We are still friends and will have shared custody of our son, but she gets no more IT from me!

K0MMIE says...

WHAT!? She has trouble with that? Uck, I can only imagine, thats no fun at all man. Be strong.

Don't worry, there are plenty of good looking women who find geeky-ness adorable. Just ask my girlfried after I go off on a rant about how Cyclops could kill Wolverine if he wanted too. 20 minutes later and after the nerd dust settles she'll just say "you're so cute, and I love you."

youdiejoe says...

>> ^K0MMIE:
WHAT!? She has trouble with that? Uck, I can only imagine, thats no fun at all man. Be strong.
Don't worry, there are plenty of good looking women who find geeky-ness adorable. Just ask my girlfried after I go off on a rant about how Cyclops could kill Wolverine if he wanted too. 20 minutes later and after the nerd dust settles she'll just say "you're so cute, and I love you."

Well 3 months later, we have worked out our differences and are still married. After 16 years we figured we had something worth holding on to.

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