VideoSift Fundraiser

It's come to this.

This is where I lean on this great community to support it. Up until the end of last year we were breaking even using funds from our advertising. Unfortunately that's no longer the case.

While our incoming money has plummeted, our traffic is actually going up and our server and bandwidth bills remain the same or are growing.

So, we're passing the virtual hat. If you enjoy VideoSift, the content and the people - and like having admins that are around and do their best to listen - please drop a little bit in our kitty.

Please do not dig deep. We know times are tough right now - and don't give anything that you can't spare.

We admit that we have never had a good business plan for surviving on the Internet. It's always just been about our own enjoyment of the videos and the community - but the site has grown into something kind of grand all on its own.

If you've pitched in, or not - or if you would like to talk about VideoSift funding, use the thread below.

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