(Mis/Ab)use of *related invoke

Unless I'm completely misunderstanding it's intention, I think VideoSift need to educate its members on the proper use of *related invoke.
Too often I see idiotic things like http://videosift.com/video/Its-a-Wonderful-Life-Bridge-Scene#comment-1625506 and http://videosift.com/video/A-fast-and-funny-way-to-put-on-a-swim-cap#comment-1620316
This site has 2 different ways to groups videos: "Channels" and "Tags".
If you want to link 2 videos together based on the common topic, use channels and/or tags.
If 2 videos are literally related, ie 2 parts of an interview or a full episode and a short clip, use related invocation.
But don't use *related because 2 videos just happen to have a fucking bridge in them!
Another example are "True Facts" videos. They should not be marked as related. When you submit videos they should have proper tags and channels so that I can click on http://videosift.com/tag/zefrank or http://videosift.com/tag/true+facts and find all of them.

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