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Bad News Everyone - FOX wants to recast Futurama voices! (Woohoo Talk Post)


westy says...

This is pretty shitty

the video is composed and presented as a factual to be taken seriously video yet the content is very poorly stitched together with no real scientific backing or reference.

This guy also uses copleaty non descriptive language that is easily open to interpretation.

if you have some philosophical ideas that are not based in science you should not present them as scientific fact or fact, you should eathor present them as philosophical ideas and draw atentoin to that or present it as a fictional exsploratoin which contains your philosophies.

of course if you have a philosphy/idea that you feal can be largely proven by science clearly reference and show how and what has made you come to your conclusion , simply stating your conclusion is a pretty shitty way to try and make people believe what you are saying.

~Whats really stupid is that i would probably be open to some of the concepts within this but its unbelievably pore presentation make the actual message incredibly inaccessible for rational evaluation.

~just to be clear visually it looked quite nice, by presentation i mean the actual data within not imaginary.

47 million yr old fossil could shed light on origins of man

Numinar says...

Holy crap that looks fake! So perfect! Well, if these experts turn out to be actual, factual experts then awesome! Attenborough could have been taken out of context... no... this is just HUGE!

A million is not much money for this... the collector must have had a pang of guilt at what he was withholding from the world. Or he was really stupid.

Cracked LCD Screen Prank

jmd says...


1.. do people normaly use his computer and leave it on? Now for me, no one can gain access to let alone use my computers..

2. He knows about ctrl alt del, but what about the power and reset buttons on the pc? I dunno about you, but if ctrl alt del dont do anything, I go for the reset switch.

3. cracked lcd fail when the monitor can still display black while lighted when changing video modes.

This trick only works on the really stupid.

DUCK!!! It's a Russian blonde with an AK-47!

rottenseed says...

>> ^krelokk:
>> ^arvana:
The title is not saying anything against Russians, blondes, or women.  It just happens that the subject of this video is all of those things.
>> ^yourhydra:
maybe the apparently smart and capable MEN should have taught her to use the gun before giving it to her?

No, yourhydra is correct. She has not been trained properly and those guys were fucking idiots. The title is 'Duck!! it's a russian blonde'. Implying everything that comes with idiotic dumb blonde jokes. So yeah of course that is what the video is about, that is obvious. But it still suggests stupidity on her part when it's the dumbasses who brought her there and gave an untrained civilian a ak47 who are to blame.

Type in Russian into our little search up there...every video that comes up is of something really stupid. I think the implication was about the Russians, the blonde thing was a harmless descriptor for the color of her hair.

liberty (Politics Talk Post)

imstellar28 says...

>> ^NetRunner:
I think if you're comparing the Origin of Species and church sermons, you're not understanding either one very well. Perhaps if you were talking about the book of Genesis instead of sermons, maybe the comparison might fly.

Origin of species explains the origin of complex life, not the origin of the first organism, nor the creation of the universe or the planets (as does genesis) - so your (literal) interpretation of my comparison is incorrect.

Mysticism sounds great until you hear the scientific explanation (yes/no)? That is all I am saying. I'm not literally comparing origin of species to any particular Christian belief, I'm using it as an example to illustrate the above statement about mysticism.

How is that relevant here?

"Liberty for the cat is tyranny for the mouse" is mystical BS, as are half the comments in this thread. That quote doesn't even make sense, but it sounds good just like "The rain is God crying" sounded good when you were 8 years old.

Its a bunch of crap, and it sounds really stupid once you have a rational understanding of the world we live in. What would you think if someone came in here with a straight face and starting talking as if it was complete fact that the rain was actually Gods tears? Now imagine that half the people in here started agreeing with them.

That is what this thread looks like from my perspective, and that is what I was trying to convey with my comment.

What Would Jesus NOT Do?

Dear Asians, Fuck Your Culture/Family/Dignity Love, Texas (Asia Talk Post)

dannym3141 says...

Used to have a lot of chinese mates at college and they all used english names for us, but if a guy didn't want to use it, he'd at least appreciate me trying to get it, then tell me to call him some easier form of it for short.

I think they just got allowed to call themselves ANYTHING they liked. They probably had record somewhere, but even teachers called this one guy "bruce", cos he called himself "bruce lee". We had "jackie chan" too. No joke.

It's a really stupid lawmaker who speaks publically about making it mandatory.

(Edit: hahah.. i accidentally typo'd the first word 'have' into 'hate'..)

On top of a 650ft Crane - I bet your Palms gonna be Sweaty

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Paris, La defense, the grue, climbing, morning sun, really, stupid, dangerous, tricks' to 'Paris, La defense, the grue, climbing, stupid, dangerous, tricks, pull ups, chin ups' - edited by spoco2

Occam's Razor Is Simply Wrong!

spoco2 says...

Nice, although really, really stupidly there will be those scary religious folk who will believe this. I wouldn't be surprised if he posted this on GodTube for a laugh.

The part on 9/11... I have a friend who is SO frigging into the conspiracy theory, and it hinges on the most flimsy of 'evidence', and YES he was a Ron Paul supporter, AND he believes in UFOs..

Such a enormous waste of brain time.

Sam Harris on Mormonism

gwiz665 says...

I'll field this one. They made it up. To keep their control of the masses.

I also don't see a huge difference in religion and mental illness, but I am an arrogant twit on that point as well, so there..

>> ^peggedbea:
>> ^StukaFox:
I sure had a lot more empathy for Mormons before Prop 8.

ok ok ok ok.. mormons and prop 8. they were all told by church leaders, and in their priesthood meetings all over the country that a constitutional amendment allowing gay marriage would mean that if they refused to allow homosexuals to marry in the temple, they would loose the legal authority to preform temple marriages period, which means to a mormon that they take away your right to be married to your spouse and sealed to your family for eternity. you can no longer have children born into a covenant, and your marriage ends at death. temple marriage is EXTREMELY important to these people. so, im not sure where they got this idea, i bought it myself for a little while and i was even upset about it. it turns out its slipery slope propaganda, but they were told by church leaders that this meant the iminent demise of their marriages. thats why you had overwhelming LDS support for prop 8. mormons all over the country gave their money to fight something they perceived would take their rights away. normally mormons sport a live and let live philosophy, they do not like to be in the spotlight, they have a righteous persecution complex, but they really really thought their rights were in danger. i dont know what to say of church leaders, im not sure where they got this idea, but i know it came from the top and spread like fire throughout the wards. now, i know they believe some really stupid shit. and i love me a good mormon joke. but i think sam harris is an arrogant pompous twit. south park did the BEST job of making fun of mormons and then following it up with a "yeah so they believe stupid shit, but theyre peaceful happy people with amazing family values and youre all fucked up so fuck you." ... oh i also realize that not all mormons are good to their families. mines a shining dysfunctional example of what happens when you mix religion with a giant heaping dose of mental illness.

Sam Harris on Mormonism

peggedbea says...

>> ^StukaFox:
I sure had a lot more empathy for Mormons before Prop 8.

ok ok ok ok.. mormons and prop 8. they were all told by church leaders, and in their priesthood meetings all over the country that a constitutional amendment allowing gay marriage would mean that if they refused to allow homosexuals to marry in the temple, they would loose the legal authority to preform temple marriages period, which means to a mormon that they take away your right to be married to your spouse and sealed to your family for eternity. you can no longer have children born into a covenant, and your marriage ends at death. temple marriage is EXTREMELY important to these people. so, im not sure where they got this idea, i bought it myself for a little while and i was even upset about it. it turns out its slipery slope propaganda, but they were told by church leaders that this meant the iminent demise of their marriages. thats why you had overwhelming LDS support for prop 8. mormons all over the country gave their money to fight something they perceived would take their rights away. normally mormons sport a live and let live philosophy, they do not like to be in the spotlight, they have a righteous persecution complex, but they really really thought their rights were in danger. i dont know what to say of church leaders, im not sure where they got this idea, but i know it came from the top and spread like fire throughout the wards. now, i know they believe some really stupid shit. and i love me a good mormon joke. but i think sam harris is an arrogant pompous twit. south park did the BEST job of making fun of mormons and then following it up with a "yeah so they believe stupid shit, but theyre peaceful happy people with amazing family values and youre all fucked up so fuck you." ... oh i also realize that not all mormons are good to their families. mines a shining dysfunctional example of what happens when you mix religion with a giant heaping dose of mental illness.

Sam Harris on Mormonism

Parking Fail

cybrbeast says...

rychan, I think maybe he finally got into the car but pushed the accelerator instead of the break. Really stupid, but so was not getting into the car in the first place. As if you can pull your car to a stop.

Day to 'call in gay' finds few willing to strike (Eia Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

Captain, I don't think the problem here is that gay people don't stand up for their rights. All you have to do is type "parade" into youtube to prove that hypothesis wrong.

I think the problem is that calling into work gay is a really stupid fucking idea for a protest. (That's right, I called a gay person stupid and I don't even expect any liberalsift backlash for it.)

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