newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

newtboy says...

I don’t think honking would help at freeway speeds, but hazard lights might. If you find yourself in this position, hit your hazards immediately…before you crash… it might save you from the next guy.
In this case I wondered why the people filming weren’t at least waiving a flashlight at traffic to warn them…or something. A few extra seconds to brake might have avoided most of this…as would driving a sane speed in ice which no one was doing.

cloudballoon said:

I've always wondered... why nobody that got in the pileup honks and create a loud cascading effect to alert the incoming ones and slow down to minimize the carnage?

Is that a thing? Does it help? Is it realistic (understand people are in shock and/or physically hurt, so it's not as easy as what coming out of my mouth)? I'm not sure.

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

cloudballoon says...

I've always wondered... why nobody that got in the pileup honks and create a loud cascading effect to alert the incoming ones and slow down to minimize the carnage?

Is that a thing? Does it help? Is it realistic (understand people are in shock and/or physically hurt, so it's not as easy as what coming out of my mouth)? I'm not sure.

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

134 vehicle pileup in Fort Worth, Texas

Weather in the south hit wayyyyy different!!!!

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