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newtboy (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Ok, i think i'll take your advice this time round I've not even read his reply so i think i'll not even bother.

At the moment, i'm sceptical that he's even got that qualification if that's what he's said. Even in a basket weaving subject, i'd expect a better ability to reason and identify bad sources from good. Sadly, because of subjects like that, we have a lot of highly qualified idiots who have been encouraged to speak their mind like experts.

newtboy said:

I think your efforts are commendable, but doomed to fail. Trance is not interested in learning, and when you teach him something he can't find a crazed, wrong link to discount your knowledge with, he'll simply ignore it and move on to more and more infantile argument. He recently became my second ignore.
I am glad you called him out on his doctorate in underwater basket weaving, unfortunately for us all it does not help him understand science in the least, or the scientific method, but somehow convinces him that it does.
EDIT: Oh, "doctorate in Social 'science'", which he must mistakenly believe is a true science and not a misnomer.
I see he continues with his intentional miss-reading and/or miss-quoting, claiming you said purely consensus is the ONLY way science progresses, not that it's the way that progression is accepted by the scientific community. Me thinks this miss-understanding is an intentional miss-statement in order to continue his 'debate' by constantly changing either his own, or your stance on the subject.
I also noted the passive aggressive (and terrible English) statement " the manner in which I posted the links may not have been "fair," ", to me implying you just couldn't assimilate that much information, not conceding that it was all an attempt at an overwhelming avalanche of BS propaganda.
Kudos on your reasoned, patient approach. I ran out of patience with the kindergarten argument style and quit him.

Sagemind (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Hi, don't know if you're satisfied about this video yet but;

If you accept purely gravitational motion, then the kinetic energy gained from lowering any individual card segment must be paid back in full when you raise it back up on the other side. Now factor in resistances (the pen cartridge axle, air resistance, and it's making noise which is a form of energy) and you quickly realise that for the whole thing to spin there must be an external application of energy.

Even consider how accurately he would have had to cut all those cardboard pieces to make them the exact same weight so that heavier ones didn't cause the contraption to slow. I can attest that i've made these types of things as a kid, as soon as you start building one you start to feel why it can't work; you can kinda feel the principle of conservation of energy yourself.

I have references if you need
In reply to this comment by Sagemind:
Comments on YouTube claim that this is somehow fake - that there is a fan somehow blowing on it.

I see no fan in the one direction they show and his body blocks it from any wind on the other side while he is filming so..

Any takers...?

Deano (Member Profile)

Deano (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Hey deano, this is probably my favourite channel. I've never even had a favourite channel before, because they never provided me with what i wanted.

So is it specifically for demonstrations of skill? As in, a video of the mona lisa is not skillful, but someone drawing the mona lisa, that's being skillful. But also, couldn't certain music videos be included then? Break dancing, body popping? Does it have to be practical skill? Could mental skill be involved? A game of chess, or perhaps Richard Feynmann videos? Oratory skill perhaps? What about world records and stuff?

Or is it like an overall feeling - if you feel like wow, they just did something incredible then it's skillful? But then i'd still need to know where you stand on mental skill.

Sorry to pepper you with questions, but it's the first time a channel has held any interest for me.

E_Nygma (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

vonriesling (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

griefer_queafer (Member Profile)

MarineGunrock (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Just thought i'd leave this here in case you didn't read it on the page - it might explain something as to why people get in some way snippy when people american people talk about "europe".

Please ignore the insult at the end, it wasn't aimed at you, i include it because it's in the original, i directed it to the people who mass-upvoted a comment comparing the diversity of "europe" to the diversity of the US.

I hope you understand what i mean here, it's really hard to explain how apathetic we are about being part of "europe" and how we feel completely unconnected. I can't think of a parallel for you, it's just a feeling you get when you live here for a while. And a feeling of "not being connected to the countries you are supposed to be connected to" is a really unique emotion

>> ^MarineGunrock:
>> ^conan:
backpacking for two weeks? through europe? i guess he's another of those ignorants who think of europe as one single country. it's a CONTINENT! what do you expect to see of a whole continent in two weeks? even if he managed to see 4 countries that's nothing. awkward attitude.

Why do you have to be a dick about it? If I can easily make a road trip through the U.S. and see all kinds of sights, why couldn't I backpack through Europe in two weeks? What you just said is the equivalent of saying "he must be another of those ignorants that thinks of the U.S. as one single country and not 50 states." WTF does it matter if he said he's going backpacking through Europe? I if go backpacking and visit Paris, London,
Berlin and Barcelona, why am I not allowed to say "Europe"?

So many right things and so many wrong things in 1 paragraph. You're right, his pomposity was bullshit, but so is your comparison of america to europe.

Although you can OF COURSE visit a great section of europe in 2 weeks, i think what many people don't understand is that a lot of people over here have never even consider themselves european. I can barely call on an equivalent for you guys because there's nothing similar for you that i can imagine.

We never really refer to europe exept in terms of the european parliament etc. So for most people, if you were having a conversation and said "yeah i went to europe, i went to spain and portugal" they'd chuckle - not because they're being pompous or anything, but because most of us see it as such a vague term for such an aggregate mass of countries - and we don't feel bound to each other in any way. We'd only say we'd been to "europe" if we'd visited like 90% of the total countries. And even then we'd only say something like "i've been to most countries in europe"

I'm having a very hard to explaining that although we have a collection of countries that are associated and the european union and all that jive, to the average european civilian, we could not be further divided from our other european neighbors.

I as a british citizen feel more associated, connected, whatever with the USA than i do with "europe"

/facepalms all round

I think next chance i see i'm going to randomly lash out at someone and make a vaguely pro-american statement and see how many votes i get

lucky760 (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Have you played Defence Grid? It's the best tower defence game i've ever played, and i love em. It's TD with all the stops pulled out and polished to the nth degree.

That's the right one, defence grid.

In reply to this comment by lucky760:
Thanks for submitting this, dft. And thanks ^Zifnab! You did put up quite a fight.

Yes, yes. I know I let the dumb planes get away in this video, but it takes so long to record a full game and get a new high score, so I just stopped with this video. See also my game on Normal mode.

I'd love to see other Sifters submit their DTD videos. Also, I've been heavily playing the new multiplayer DTD since it was released and it'd be great to play with some of you there. It's so much different to play in Arcade mode in real time against other people.

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Thanks very much! Someone once told me that about my "i speak jive" comment

In reply to this comment by Fusionaut:
Hahah, I really like this! If there was a spot for favourite comment on my profile this would be it!

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
>> ^CaptainPlanet:
nice teeth brit face. i have a question... Go, to a dentist.

Hello there, i wonder if i can help you - i'm british, and it looks like you're having a little trouble with the meanings of words. Don't be embarassed, you're probably in the upper percentile of your nation for knowing that a word with 3 syllables exists. Then attaching some emotional value to the word beyond the literal "it's a little bit like iron" is far beyond even toddler level!

Irony is a way of saying something that is intended to portray the opposite meaning to that which is stated! If we were watching David Mitchell's perfect teeth and everyone was, to a man, thinking "Wow, David Mitchell really doesn't need to go to the dentist!" This might then be an ironic statement.

Possibly the word you were looking for was sardonic. This word would apply to a scornful statement intended to heap derision upon the person it was aimed at.

For example if i were to call you a "burger eating, war mongering, archaic-theocratic bunch of fat inbred hillbillies with an army which has all the gear but no idea, and a penchant for making enemies of countries they're trying to liberate by acting like schoolyard bullies", then we might be referring to a sardonic comment.

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

EDD (Member Profile)

dannym3141 says...

Every day, 5+ times a day.. If i visited more i'd be addicted.. I should comment more, but i go in and out of the desire to.

It's really hard to be moral and try to get stars via comments. Jokes are the easiest way, but the most enjoyable ones are meaningful. But what with the current climate and the fact that this is predominately an american website means that any word or phrase that someone even THINKS might be anti-american gets downvoted faster than a snuff video.

I don't even remember sifting 3 videos, i thought i'd only done one.

In reply to this comment by EDD:
Yeah I said the same some 5 months ago. Now look at me.

Seriously, it would be very neat if you really got gold with more star comments than videos, I don't think anyone's done it before. Your bronze may even be precedent. This just shows you're a great addition to the community. I'm just nagging on you about the number of videos posted because submitting them compels one to spend more time here. And I'd like you to do just that

In reply to this comment by dannym3141:
I sift what i think is siftworthy! I don't believe in posting music videos just to get stars *cough cough*

And thanks!

In reply to this comment by EDD:
I see you got your first star - way to go. keep it up! Only be honest with me, now - are you really aiming to get your gold with more comment stars than videos sifted?

EDD (Member Profile)

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