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"God's Warriors" Take Government Appointed Attorneys

ponceleon says...

Its a funny headline, but I question whether it is accurate. In my experience with people who try to represent themselves as their own attorneys, the judges often force them to have legal backup from court-appointed attorneys because it reduces the chance of a mistrial due to the lack of procedural knowledge.

Even the nutjobs like that Salvo guy and the other guy who shot up all those people on the commuter rail in Long Island had court appointed legal counsel while they acted as their own attorneys.

They often try to fire them but the courts tend to almost insist that you have an attorney if you represent yourself because otherwise it is really easy to claim that you didn't get a fair trial since you didn't have "good representation."

Yes yes, I know that is really stupid, but it is absolutely why they always try to have a legal adviser.

This is What Getting Your Vagina Vajazzled Looks Like

I Am A Sex Worker

fjules says...

WTF is this shit? It's really stupid. Why do they have to push it in our faces that they have sex. "Ohh, look at me I am barely a five and I get sex, too, ooo!!" Stupid.


rottenseed says...

>> ^TickleMyElmo:
Reading the comments makes it a little harder to snark. He's autistic, and his sister taped and posted the video for him because he enjoys it so much:
"thank you so much, im trying really hard to support him, he really loves this. and i know he will continue this. "

So if he was just really stupid with no name for the source of his awkward behavior, THEN could we laugh?

Star Trek First Contact is the 3,967th Worst Film Ever Made

entr0py says...

>> ^budzos:
Yeah once you get accustomed to the voice there is actually some fun content here. I for one LOVE First Contact despite the many flaws in the story. The borg queen was a really stupid idea, if you ask me. The faceless, personality free borg as force of nature is much more awe-inspiring.

I've always thought that too. The way I think of it there were two distinct versions of the borg, the grey borg (the original), and the green borg (this movie plus all the crap that happened in voyager).

What made the borg scary in the first place was not just that they were powerful mechano-corpse people, but that they were inscrutable. There is something unsettling about an emotionless and relentless enemy that cannot be reasoned with or manipulated. And you couldn't easily define them as evil, since they weren't vengeful or malicious, just devoted to their own form of logic. With this movie they got rid of everything that was distinctive or interesting about the borg. And just turned them into cyber-zombies at the command of some slimey lich queen.

Star Trek First Contact is the 3,967th Worst Film Ever Made

budzos says...

Yeah once you get accustomed to the voice there is actually some fun content here. I for one LOVE First Contact despite the many flaws in the story. The borg queen was a really stupid idea, if you ask me. The faceless, personality free borg as force of nature is much more awe-inspiring.

College Football Player Doesn't Give Crap About Playing

nibiyabi says...

Really stupid announcers. If they had actually watched the game, they would know that this offensive line did this several times throughout the game (in the other instances the entire line did it as a group). They do this when they believe that the defense has jumped offsides (crossed the line of scrimmage, or the line where the two teams meet, before the beginning of the play). Since there is often confusion as to whether the offense or defense "jumped" first, oftentimes the wrong side will be called for the penalty. This team has devised a strategy wherein if they believe the defense has jumped offsides, they remain perfectly still to remove all doubt. In this instance, it backfired as the right tackle saw something the rest of the line did not see.

The Crucial Man: Art Appreciation

Some people think Al Gore was wrong...

Old Dude Bear-hug-tackles Bank Robber (38secs)

Zero Punctuation: Wolfenstein

Texas Secession Rally

Edgeman2112 says...

Secession eh? Better think through that more than just "oh we'll get our rights back." Bye bye federal funding, hello wave of drug cartels and illegal immigrants. Your state will not be funded enough to handle this, so you'll eventually request help from neighboring countries. At that point, you'll probably feel really stupid. This is why the average joe is not in charge of anything politically-related. You don't know what is best.

Glenn Beck rants incoherently about plastic bags and nukes.

Tomfoolery says...

Is it just me, or does Glenn Beck sound like one of those youtube losers who's constantly posting "commentary" with one of those snarky tones that is supposed to make them sound smart, but actually just makes them sound really stupid?

Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Lithic says...

>> ^Lithic:
Wow, that's really stupid. And it's not like it's a spur of the moment thing either. They got a letter, read it, sat down, thought out what they thought was an appropriate response, wrote it down, sent it up on the prompter, read it again, said it, taped it and aired it. And under no time in this entire process did anyone stop and go "hey, wait a second here, maybe we are just HUGE FREAKING MORONS WHO SHOULD FACT-CHECK EVERYTHING WE DO".

HAH, I just re-read my own comment while editing and realized how incredibly silly it was. When has BillO ever dealt in FACTS? *facepalm*


Why is US Life Expectancy Lower Than Canada's?

Lithic says...

Wow, that's really stupid. And it's not like it's a spur of the moment thing either. They got a letter, read it, sat down, thought out what they thought was an appropriate response, wrote it down, sent it up on the prompter, read it again, said it, taped it and aired it. And under no time in this entire process did anyone stop and go "hey, wait a second here, maybe we are just HUGE FREAKING MORONS WHO SHOULD FACT-CHECK EVERYTHING WE DO".


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