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Wins of 2010 Compilation

dannym3141 says...

It is actually illegal to do that, shepppard, and i don't consider it silly at all. It's incredibly dangerous to go so fast through such a big puddle (ever aquaplaned in a car?) not to mention he was going beyond the speed limit by the looks of things, and passing school kids at a bus stop you should always be cautious.

That's aside from the fact that it's really, really stupid to do that and think it's funny. I've never seen the upside to intentionally ruining someone's clothes/schoolwork/businesswork/day. A friend did it to a bunch of people once, and i forced her to stop the car and gave them her details - nothing happened, but i would have been happy to see her get fined. Another time, long time ago, there was a large puddle at the bottom of a hill when i was walking home, and i knew someone would do it. So i picked up a small stone and as he went past me and drenched me, i put a big crack down his rear window, ho ho ho what a funny joke it is to ruin someone else's property eh! I am a card.

I believe that guy did get done, and rightly so.

Flash mob turns into win

.50 Cal Sniper vs Watermelon (OMFG Edition)

SveNitoR says...

This is not real (of course - since it would be really stupid to risk that).
Freddie posted this on the Something Awful Forums about how they blew up the watermelon:

"A quarter diameter bit of black powder is what we used. People expect the watermelon itself to be comped, but we do the whole thing as "real" which is what you don't expect."

Racist Troll Trolls The Sanity Rally

Bradaphraser says...

I'm a big fan of Obama and believe that Keynesian economics isn't the root of all evil that the right would have you believe, but this is pretty darn funny. Any time you go into a crowd of a lot of people and ask as many people you can find a really intelligent question that sounds really stupid, you can edit out the intelligent responses and watch the hilarity unfold.

Stop with the Minecraft (Videogames Talk Post)

legacy0100 says...

I've had to endure through some stuff that I didn't enjoy watching in VideoSift. Some really stupid stuff, some prank stuff I don't enjoy watching at all. I used to downvote these videos whenever I had the chance, hoping VideoSift would cater to my views and my needs only. But then I realized VideoSift caters to a huge community with people of all sorts of colors and tastes.

Because many of the videos I was interested in couldn't get sifted on front page, I used to submit videos that I didn't personally agree to but submitted anyway just because I knew it would get me a lot of votes, such as my highest ranking video 'blow job expert'. I am ashamed of doing this I admit.

I recall the days when I was into cute puppies/kitties videos and used to upload them a lot, as well as other VideoSift members who shared my love for cute animals. Some VideoSifters however found it annoying that they had to see 7 of 15 top weekly videos all being some cute furry animal playing around, and would go on about downvoting each and every one of these videos and putting nasty comments about people who sift them. One idea dominating over everyone is indeed annoying, especially when the idea is something that you do not particularly enjoy.

But this is the basic idea of a democratic society. No matter how much you dislike something and you find it unuseful, there will always be a group of people who actually enjoy that exact kind of content. And you must guarantee them an area to input their voice, instead of stifling them just because they have a different opinion than you. If one disagrees, all you have to do is simply ignore it and participate more on the contents that you like. Everyone wants to see themselves as the correct answers, or one with the 'right' ideas.

I've come in peace with the fact that I am not the majority voice, and that others do not see the things the way I do. But that's okay, because even though they aren't participating or voting for any of my videos, they're not stopping me from sifting videos that they have no interest in. And I can continue to do what I do and find my niche in the VideoSift community, which is my part of the job and no one elses. And that's the way a healthy society goes.

Of course, you could always argue that the crowd needs regulation, and it cannot be solely upto the market to decide what's acceptable and what isn't. This is certainly true, but you should also realize that you're part of the market as well, so it means it's not upto you to decide who's idea is right or wrong. That job is upto the administrators or a particular government with their own unique policies, such as Dag or Lucky. So let them handle what they'd think will benefit VideoSift.

Iguana Fart - That is All

I Guess This is Why I Don't Cave

moodonia says...

Yes this give me the heebie jeebies too. I can imagine easily slipping into sheer panic somewhere like that.

I crawled through a sand tunnel when I was a kid (i.e. a moron), kind of got that sense midway "this thing could come down, this is really stupid". Started crawling a lot faster.

This stuff is scary enough dry, but they flood so often. Last few years I've heard a bunch of stories in Ireland of people getting caught in these places as they fill up with water....

UFC < Pride

xxovercastxx says...

I'm so sick of hearing 'Bodies' in every MMA video.

But to the topic at hand... It's important to remember this is a 'highlight reel'. You didn't have this kind of brutality from start to finish in a Pride event.

I would like the unified rules to be a little more open just to keep the fighters moving, but not so much that there's a huge risk of serious injury. I like the fighters to keep coming back, not end up in a wheelchair.

The 12-6 elbow is obviously a really stupid rule. Elbows are fine as-is in unified rules aside from that.

Knees to the head of a grounded opponent are fine with me, so long as it's not to the top of the head (compressing the spine), likewise with soccer kicks.

Piledrivers and strikes to the base of the neck should remain illegal.

I'm not sure about headbutting. I don't know of a good reason for it to be illegal off the top of my head.

Whether or not they can grab the cage seems like a wash to me. I both like and dislike things about either approach.

One thing I really can't stand in Pride is the ring/ropes. Every time the fighters get near them a dozen people start grabbing at the fighters and pushing them away from the ropes. To me that's like allowing people on the sidelines of a basketball game to grab the players if they get close enough. Resetting the match in the middle of the ring doesn't make me any happier.

Yes, it's frustrating to see people get trapped against the cage in UFC sometimes, but the octagon is pretty damn big. You probably fucked up pretty badly to get yourself stuck there.

Also, remember that the UFC doesn't make the rules, the SACs do. UFC has been campaigning for rules changes for at least a few years now.

Star Wars has a WTF moment...

ForgedReality says...

>> ^chilaxe:

Lucky us, it does seem to be some kind of meme:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Nope, not a meme. Just a silly remix of a memorable Star Wars scene. Completely adolescent. Totally sophomoric.
I expect great things for it.>> ^Sarzy:
Is this a meme of some sort? I don't get it.

Yeah, I didn't get it either. The Buzz Lightyear one was funny though. This one's just really stupid and the opposite of funny. >_>

Local Police Enforcing BP Rules and not Law

Yogi says...

Seriously this is just getting ridiculous...we have a constant stream of these videos proving the trampling of rights. Nothing has changed though, there's been no stopping of this, it just keeps going on. Even if someone possibly sues someone over this it'll be months before we get a ruling on it and it won't matter then. Also it'll just be ignored the next time around.

Democracy means we the people are in charge, make our voices heard on this issue and stop this stupidity.

EDIT: Also you have to blame this journalist guy for cooperating with this interrogation that happened afterwords by the BP Security dude. Simply refuse to answer the questions and ask if you're under arrest, if you're not than you can drive away. It's getting really stupid here folks...I'm sick of it.

The Story of Your Enslavement

NetRunner says...

So, up until the 8 minute mark this sounded utterly correct. In particular around 7:20 or so, he mentions that the system of ownership breaks down when you get a fair income distribution, and see a middle class start to emerge.

I agree.

Then he takes a really stupid rightward turn, and insists that it's unions who're doing the hatchetwork for our owners. Please. Unions don't work for governments, or for companies. They work for us livestock.

Government, on the other hand, can easily wind up doing all the hatchetwork for the owners. Take the ultimate libertarian government -- one that only enforces ownership rights. What more could our owners want than that? Here is the natural endpoint of such moronic ideas. All the better if people come to believe that such slavery is really freedom. After all, freedom only belongs to the owners, and limits on their freedom so you can have some is wrong.

That's why income equality is such a threat to the owners -- once people get to the point where they're not constantly in a struggle to provide the basics for their family, and get a taste of real disposable income, they realize how very little money they really need, and they get very, very dangerous to the system.

They're right that economic growth attracts thieves -- the capitalist kind, who demand tax cuts and a continued maintenance of welfare to keep their livestock healthy and educated. That leads to debts, debts that they don't have to worry about paying, because they can just use their ill-gotten gain to keep bribing politicians and brainwashing the ignorant livestock into thinking it's us livestock who've been living lives of undeserved excess.

PS: The other 1984 slogans were "War is Peace", "Ignorance is Strength", along with "Freedom is Slavery". They'd fit nicely on the RNC front page.

PPS: George Orwell was a democratic socialist.

Prokofiev's Tocatta (Op. 11) played perfectly (super hard)

jbaber says...

> This shouldn't be put in "femme" channel just because the pianist is a woman. It just means you distinguish
> genders and think with your dicks. This video is about piano play not genders. And there also is no "male"
> channel. Really stupid.

I'm not too savvy to what all the labels mean and I'd noticed that anything accomplished by women and even little girls got labeled 'femme' on videosift. If it's really inappropriate I'll remove the channel listing.

Prokofiev's Tocatta (Op. 11) played perfectly (super hard)

fjules says...

This shouldn't be put in "femme" channel just because the pianist is a woman. It just means you distinguish genders and think with your dicks. This video is about piano play not genders. And there also is no "male" channel. Really stupid.

If At First You Don't Succeed, Your Mother Will Laugh At You

BoneRemake says...

I am not a parent, I am an uncle, But I figure that's how you learn. Kid did not break or fracture anything, more so got a free ride from gravity. I know kids can be really really stupid when it comes to situations but this is very tame and I got a chuckle out of it.

The other day my nephew was jumping up and down on a inflated overturned play pool.. While on concrete, when it was raining wearing his rubber boots. NOW THAT'S STUPIDITY. that's something you get hurt from, this video is something you learn from . hahahha, I laugh thinking of the downwards head butt. hhehehehe.

Police Slap & Taser 10 yr old at Day Care Center

BoneRemake says...

I believe anyone who thinks tazing a 10 year old girl or boy is be it a cop or the first poster, should be tazed till they bed for mercy, thats just a really stupid acceptance to have. Non the less I think one of the issues of this story is that two or more grow adult officers could not subdue a 10 year old. Pick the fucker up by the arm or leg if ya have to , Police are a bump of pansies now it seems, all power tripping and no thinking. taze first ask question later.

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