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Richard Dawkins' 7 Categories (Religion Talk Post)


imstellar28 says...

^i believe "banning siftquisitions" is a suggestion on how to improve things.

when you are really stupid, i can see how it would be hard to distinguish between "a pile of cow sh*t" and "suggestions". i guess thats probably why you want to ban everyone?

by the way, i'm allowed to call you "stupid" right? since you already called me a "homophobic bigot" today?

Huge Prop 8 Protest outside of Mormon Temple in Utah

imstellar28 says...

^i'm not inferring anything about your character. it follows directly from your statements.

are you listening? it doesn't matter who makes the laws or how they are physically recorded. what matters is what the laws are based on. the only legitimate law is a law based on unalienable human rights. who decides that? human nature. doesn't matter if its one or 1000. "life liberty and the pursuit of happiness" you dumb motherf*cker. the work is already done! someone a lot smarter than you already came up with it! who the f*ck cares who! the law is there, all you have to do is enforce it! its unalienable dipsh*t, derive it for yourself! it is impossible to contradict and it follows directly from human nature. are you a human or are just a really stupid robot programmed to hate?

it is an innate right of humans, but it was discovered with reason and logic via a scientific method. it has been proven as rigorously as gravity. it is true. someone has already solved the equation. all you have to do is freaking apply the answer.

if a republic passes a law which is unlawful (that is, it violates unalienable human rights) that is no longer a republic or a rule of law.

how f*cking thick are you, seriously? when do we get the technology which implants information directly in peoples brains? christ.

I Don't Wanna Sound Racist But... (PA McCain/Palin Rally)

sixshot says...

oh what a sad nation I live in. *sigh*

One thing that has always troubled me is the innate behavior towards another individual of different kind, be it skin color, ethnic origin, or what-have-you. Sure there are some really stupid people out there. But why do they spew BS? Is it because they are not fully aware of all the facts? Or are they being mislead by crafty (or is that dirty?) McCain supporters? I always try to look past the skin tone and the outward appearance when I walk on the streets. Sometimes I'm curious about their culture, much like how I am often curious about the ancient and traditional Japanese culture.

As an American-born individual, I just don't get why some McCain supporters would be so clueless. Sure there are some clueless Obama supporters as well. But am I wrong to think that there seem to be more McCain supporting morons than Obama ones? I ideally want to look past all the political BS and the background BS. I just want to know who seem more prepared to lead a country that is struggling to stand up high again.

McCain Supporters being Classy

conan says...

The last few weeks somehat shocked me. I found out that there are not just some really, really stupid people out there in the world but obviously there number is huge. All this "Barck HUSSEIN Obama" thing... There really are people who think that a middle name says something about one's believes or whatever. If that's so does having the same first name as a well known psychopath and mass murderer make you also one? What about all the people in Austria that go by the name "Hitler"? Folks are just so plain ignorant when they try to reduce stuff to easy-to-swallow bits and pieces. Why try and actually read political programs? Look up the biography of a candidate? No, that's all too much hassle. Just find some nice clichee and stop thinking for oneself. I would feeld ashamed of myself to go out on the streets and shout "Hussein Mohammed Obama". It would just show that i'm stupid for the most part of it, but also that i'm ignorant (Mohammed isn't the name of Obama), racist (because i project fear and hate into a name and / or a religion) and that i'm a willing tool for crazy spindoctors. Luckily the internet doesn't forget anything and there's a realistic chance that those people will be confronted with their stupididy again in their lifetime. Maybe then they'll see just how incredible closed-minded that was. I really feel sorry for them, their families and for their country for which they are so proud of. I don't think that's the america that was once so loved by all.

When operating and moving a forklift

The Dumbest Woman On The Highway

ponceleon says...

>> ^thinker247:
Surprise, surprise, she has a Southern accent. I kid! I kid the rednecks.

Ever notice how on the Simpsons, whenever they want to make someone sound really stupid, they give them a Southern accent?

"I wash myself with a rag on a stick."

Pet Shop Boys - I'm With Stupid

mintbbb says...

Lyrics shamelesly stolen from a wed site - I forgot which :

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

See you on the TV
Call you every day
Fly across the ocean
Just to let you get your way
No one understands me
Where I'm coming from
Why would I be with someone
who's obviously so dumb?
Love comes
Love grows
every time you rise to meet me
take my hand to greet me
Love comes
Love grows
and power can give a man
much more than anybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Before we ever met
I thought like everybody did
you were just a moron
a billion-dollar kid
You flew up all the way
like a hawk chasing a dove
I never thought that I would be
a sacrifice in love
It comes
It grows
and now we're tied together
everybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
Do we really have a relationship
so special in your heart?

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

I have to ask myself
like any lover might:
Have you made a fool of me?
Are you not Mr. Right?
You grin
I pose
It's not about sincerity
Everybody knows

Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid
Oh-oh, I'm with Stupid

Is stupid really stupid
or a different kind of smart?
That's how you stole my heart
I'm with Stupid

The Difference Between Barack Obama and Ron Paul

volumptuous says...


Is it really "stupid" to want to keep christianism and creationism out of our public schools?

Is it really "stupid" to want to keep public schools integrated?

Is it really "stupid" to want to prevent corporations from abusing their workforce, or dumping their toxins into our water and air?

And you can seriously piss right off with your retarded notion of "you need the state to teach your kids". That type of attitude has zero bearing on our society, and I am glad your ilk are as marginalized as you will always be.

Jeffersonian ideas weren't only about self-reliance. They were also about the seperation of church and state. "States rights" would kill that idea, and that is exactly what Ron Paul would love to see.

How to look stupid playing Wheel of Fortune!

5 Things You Hate About Videosift (Sift Talk Post)

This game cost $32,000,000 to make

JAPR says...

>> ^JAPR:
Besides that, this isn't so much a case of bad writing as it is the problem all dubs have: trying to come up with something that somewhat fits the mouth movements of the characters who were meant to be speaking another language. This results in things not really being a direct translation, and often ends up sounding really stupid. I would rather they just sub the cutscenes in English; they'd save money on paying voice actors to do shitty jobs at crappy semi-translated lines.

>> ^JAPR:
Also, I'm pretty sure that price tag referred to the original price of developing the game in Japan, not how much they spent on the US port.

Here's that scene in Japanese. Like I said, it's still ridiculous, but not quite as bad.

This game cost $32,000,000 to make

JAPR says...

VII was amazing, never played VIII or beyond, other than Tactics, which I also loved. IV and VI are favorites as well.

Oh, Dirge of Cerberus was really awesome, too. I played it in Japanese, though. I heard the English dub was terrible.

A little look at a longer video of the context and a video of that portion in the original Japanese shows that the laughing was supposed to be purposefully ridiculous, but the way it's done in the English version comes off less ridiculous and more pathetic.

Besides that, this isn't so much a case of bad writing as it is the problem all dubs have: trying to come up with something that somewhat fits the mouth movements of the characters who were meant to be speaking another language. This results in things not really being a direct translation, and often ends up sounding really stupid. I would rather they just sub the cutscenes in English; they'd save money on paying voice actors to do shitty jobs at crappy semi-translated lines.

MarineGunrock gets ROCKED by Choggie!

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

nickreal03 says...

Wow nice find in wikipidia. I didn't know they have these type of thing there.
Religious and philosophy a thin line there.

I guess one thing that makes the hold thing confusing or misleading is that in the English language there is allot of room for interpretation. If a sound is express as a wave traveling throw a medium then I think is accurate. The perception of that sound is very tricky thing. Some animals perceive those sounds in two different ways. One like a sonar and one like actual "sound".

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
Wikipedia outlines 3 interpretations here. The third echoes what I proposed earlier whereas the first sounds a lot like what you describe. While it does potentially have religious ramifications, depending on what 'answer' you subscribe to, it's still fundamentally a philosophical question, not a religious one.

In reply to this comment by nickreal03:
A sound is a wave traveling throw the air period. Perception is a hold different subject which I don't see how it could possible fit. I belief this question was originally targeted to asked whether the universe exits because of humans rather than regarless of humans. I think is just an old stupid probably religious question that still been echo throw generations for some really stupid reason.

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