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ponceleon (Member Profile)

rant (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

>> ^MrFisk:
The Art of Sifting.
1. Seems the shorter a video, the more views/voting.
2. The more you sift and comment, the more friends/enemies you'll make, thus more views/voting.
3. A serious election year will inevitably and justifiably mean more political videos; cut the hogwash bellyaching.
4. Comedy is king.
5. Long is the opposite of the aforementioned.
6. Employ a nifty avatar.
7. Rock the boat.
8. One hand washes the other.
9. The tenth vote is crucial.
10. Beggars canyon is a dark and dreary alley, chalk-full of despair, disappointment, loneliness, and regret.


Take the voting power of the Piggers then we'll at least get rid of stuff like and similar aberrations. Piggers aren't real sifters, anyway. Their bodies are more adept at ocular labor than sifting. We should make a Pegrosift, only for P's where the colors are inverted.

Damn Piggers.

rant (Sift Talk Post)

MrFisk says...

The Art of Sifting.
1. Seems the shorter a video, the more views/voting.
2. The more you sift and comment, the more friends/enemies you'll make, thus more views/voting.
3. A serious election year will inevitably and justifiably mean more political videos; cut the hogwash bellyaching.
4. Comedy is king.
5. Music is the opposite of the aforementioned.
6. Employ a nifty avatar.
7. Rock the boat.
8. One hand washes the other.
9. The tenth vote is crucial.
10. Beggars canyon is a dark and dreary alley, chalk-full of despair, disappointment, loneliness, and regret.

Fibonacci and the Golden Mean

Stirling Engine Runs at 340 RPM On Hot Water

Xax says...


Noted for its high efficiency, quietness of operation and the ease with which it can utilise what would otherwise be waste heat, the Stirling engine is currently exciting much interest as the core component of domestic combined heat and power (CHP) units, the widespread adoption of which could have a significant effect upon worldwide carbon dioxide emissions.

Slow Motion - Red Tear Drop Into Clear Water

Portal "Still Alive" In Typography

RIAA confirms it's behind the Muxtape shutdown (Rocknroll Talk Post)

You might be a redneck if...

Tired of Firefox's Smart Location Bar Autocomplete? (Geek Talk Post)

Wooden Moving Contraption - Awesome Gadget

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'gears, turning, elderly, gentleman, turn the wheel, nifty' to 'gears, turning, elderly, gentleman, turn the wheel, nifty, machine' - edited by spoco2

New Channel! (Wheels Talk Post)

Optical illusion - Negative afterimage

Invisibility Carpet Possible in 1-2 Years (Blog Entry by lucky760)

Wake Up! Snoozedoctor is Gold100! (Livemusic Talk Post)

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