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Bad-Wolf (Member Profile)

S-l-i-g-h-t-l-y Different Russian Dashcam Video.

oritteropo says...

It's very close to the unix epoch time, which in this case is very likely to indicate that the camera runs some form of embedded linux and the owner never set the date.
>> ^RFlagg:

I noticed that too... and assuming it is using ISO 8601, then it is also early January and the trees are very green for January...
>> ^Bad-Wolf:
Wow, and all that happened in 1970...

Barseps (Member Profile)

S-l-i-g-h-t-l-y Different Russian Dashcam Video.

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

messenger says...

Can't believe *eia hasn't been invoked yet. Some of those people must have died or at least been unable to reproduce afterwards.>> ^Ghostly:

Is it wrong to hope that the idiots who cause these accidents, in doing so, remove themselves from the genepool?

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^KnivesOut:

Fixed>> ^Unsung_Hero:
Six things I have learned from this video about Russia...
1. Russia's weather/climate is terribly depressing
2. Dash cams have really caught on.
3. They all listen to Techno... all the time.
4. Car accidents are no surprise to drivers.
5. I never be seen driving ANYWHERE at ANYTIME in Russia.
6. Traffic lights are entirely optional in Russia.

Double fixed

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

KnivesOut says...

Fixed>> ^Unsung_Hero:

Five things I have learned from this video about Russia...
1. Russia's weather/climate is terribly depressing
2. Dash cams have really caught on.
3. They all listen to Techno... all the time.
4. Car accidents are no surprise to drivers.
5. I never be seen driving ANYWHERE at ANYTIME in Russia.
6. Traffic lights are entirely optional in Russia.

Barseps (Member Profile)

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

Russian Dashcam Compilation From TwisterNederland

shuac says...

>> ^Unsung_Hero:

Five things I have learned from this video about Russia...
1. Russia's weather/climate is terribly depressing
2. Dash cams have really caught on.
3. They all listen to Techno... all the time.
4. Car accidents are no surprise to drivers.
5. I never be seen driving ANYWHERE at ANYTIME in Russia.

Also, the auto insurance industry in Russia is not economically viable.

Japan Tsunami filmed from a car that gets trapped in it

Japan Tsunami filmed from a car that gets trapped in it

Japan Tsunami filmed from a car that gets trapped in it

Japan Tsunami filmed from a car that gets trapped in it

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