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In Soviet Russia.........(Oh, I Give UP)

How do you know this is a Russian dog?

"The Force Is STRONG With This One"!!!

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^Sagemind:

The pedestrian didn't even turn his head in the direction of the oncoming traffic.
Typical of what I hate about pedestrian law in Canada (and the US?) In 99% of cases the pedestrian has the right of way. If the car had hit him or other traffic. The driver would have been at fault.
This is mostly because the pedestrian would be long gone or because pedestrians don't have insurance so there is no one to sue for damages.

I think it's more likely because the driver is in a big, heavy vehicle that moves really fast. In most cases, the presumption is going to be that the driver owes a duty to take care not to injure anyone due to the potential danger of operating a motor vehicle, and has more ability to avoid incidents due to the speed of the vehicle. After all, you have to get a license to drive. You don't have to get one to walk. Unless you have a dashcam or other documentation to prove that liability is on the pedestrian, or unless the pedestrian admits fault, these other factors are probably going to carry the day.

Many, if not most, pedestrians do have liability insurance that might apply in the case of being found at fault for this kind of thing--homeowner's or renter's insurance. Most policies come with liability coverage that applies whether you're on the property or not--it's mainly used for things like dog bites, people injuring themselves on your property, etc., but depending on the policy it might apply to this sort of incident.

Also, if the pedestrian has insurance on their own automobile, in most states one can get medical coverage or personal injury protection coverage that applies regardless of whether you are in your vehicle or not--it just has to be a car accident of some kind.

Asshole Drivers

Trancecoach says...

That move seemed to be a bit of vengeance, actually... The guy with the dashcam might've been hittin the brakes causing the guy behind to to lock it up to avoid an accident... To retaliate, he pulled in front of him and slowed way down.

Asshole-ish? Yes. Unjustified? Depends.

Asshole Drivers

Payback says...

Looks to me Dashcam Boy was doin' a bit of ragin' hisself. Gunned it and "re-pass"ed him back at the start, and was all over the lane trying to block him.

Probably lots of finger waving and honking too.


A feelgood dashcam video

Puddle Pooper

A feelgood dashcam video

Auger8 jokingly says...

Ya sorta like when that guy tackled the idiot trying to steal the the Olympic torch.

>> ^Yogi:

I love it when good deeds get recognized. This kinda stuff happens all the time everywhere, never gets recognized enough. Maybe this will be a positive thing with everyone having cameras and our image saturated culture.

Failed Attempt To Provoke An Accident

A feelgood dashcam video

nanrod says...

No, he did exactly the right thing. He put on his flashers and shielded the lady with his big SUV. If he had tried to park and then help her she could have been dead by then.>> ^Payback:

>> ^lucky760:
Kept expecting a second car to enter frame and slam into the guy's car.
Very glad that didn't happen.

He should have pulled into the parking lot to the right. Just sayin.

A feelgood dashcam video

A feelgood dashcam video

Film A Police Officer, Go To Jail

Yogi says...

>> ^Payback:

What blows me away is the ones that get caught by their OWN cameras doing shit that's completely out of hand.

This is why there was a huge scandal with the Seattle PD deleting all of those dashcam video tapes.

Upvote for the balls it takes to charge a young black man with "Attempted Lynching".

Russian Road Rage Confrontation

S-l-i-g-h-t-l-y Different Russian Dashcam Video.

chilaxe says...

>> ^spoco2:

Fuck I hate thieves... Just fucking hate their self centred little shitty brains.
Have had things stolen from cars before. Have had my car's locks ruined by someone trying to break into it. Have had to move house largely because my wife couldn't stand to be there any more after a thief broke in and stole a heap of things while she was taking the kids to school.
Just fucking hate them. WORK FOR YOUR FUCKING STUFF.

Singapore's policies seem to work pretty well on that count. The West? Not so much.

When Westerners visit Singapore, they're amazed at how clean and successful as a society it is.

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