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Scrap Metal Impales Windshield From Other side of Highway

Enhancing photorealism in video games

Khufu says...

while this is cool, it's really just forcing a specifically art-directed look of the game(texture detail, color grading) into a dashcam-quality, drab color-scheme version. The game was obviously going for a more film-inspired color grading meant to give you the impression of a hot summer day in LA, not a cold German day seen through a raw ccd limited dashcam. cool that it's this fast though!

just saw the bit at the end with the broader dataset used.. that's more like it, keeps the vibrant color but does improve realism of things like road look.

Attempted Cash-In-Transit heist

Semi Crosses into Oncoming Highway Traffic

b4rringt0n (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

Congratulations! Your video, Instant Karma - Dashcam Italy, has reached the #1 spot in the current Top 15 New Videos listing. This is a very difficult thing to accomplish but you managed to pull it off. For your contribution you have been awarded 2 Power Points.

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ant (Member Profile)

Chinese Bus Crashes Off Bridge

ForgedReality says...

Look at the driver video. He DELIBERATELY cranks the wheel to the left. She had already stopped her assault for a moment. He was not distracted at the time, there was nothing in front to avoid.

He was going straight, and then she goes out of view and he suddenly swerves left ON PURPOSE.

You can see from the other dashcam, that there are no vehicles ahead of the bus that he was trying to avoid.

I think he was trying to get her to fall down and stop attacking him when the bus hit the barrier. I don't think he was expecting to go over the side. He was hoping the bus would just crash and she would maybe be ejected through the windshield, but he 100% purposely crashed the vehicle.

BSR (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Tank flips over after military parade

Hurst Police Officer Narrowly Avoids House Explosion

Hurst Police Officer Narrowly Avoids House Explosion

Hurst Police Officer Narrowly Avoids House Explosion

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