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newtboy (Member Profile)

How They Clear The Roads Of Snow In Kazakhstan

Russian Separatist Rocket Attack At Kramatorsk

TransAsia crash caught by two dash cams

oritteropo says...

There's nothing sifted because @lucky760 says it's snuff.

Otherwise I'd have posted luckiest taxi driver in the world -

Payback said:

Nobody has sifted ANY video of this yet???
I don't think it's snuff, if it is, I'm sorry, but I couldn't find anything on here...

Video has both cars' dash cams.

Car 1 got clipped by the wing.

Later on even has drone footage of survivors.

blackfox42 (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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Horrifying 120 car crash in Michigan

Cops Acting Badly

notarobot says...

Thank you for pointing out the linked article.

Let me expand on my thoughts here.

I have no sympathy for the officer in this video after the actions shown. I imagine that the best defence he could muster would be to show what happened leading up to the video we see here. I also highly doubt that such a “best defence” would come anywhere close to justifying how he (mis)handled this recorded interaction. The suspension is absolutely warranted. And I hope it isn’t short.

In regards to police use of cameras, I don’t doubt that some will behave unprofessionally in spite of a camera being present. But knowing that a camera is recording does deter some bad poor behaviour. This jerk cop even says that if he knew he was being recorded that he would have acted differently.

I have been concerned about how many police officers view cameras in general as a threat. I’ve seen so many videos where an officer lashes out about being recorded...

Recording should be viewed favourably. Dashcams are already common on police cars in some areas. They provide evidence, which can and should be used to back up the story filed on any police report. Ideally this recording should show how well the situation was handled by the officer involved. (Gold star for Mr. Officer Good Cop!)

If an officer is uncomfortable getting recorded, or feels threatened by the presence of cameras, they probably shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing, and if they do much of it, they should probably find other work.

If a cop behaves atrociously on a police camera and gets away with it, then the corruption lies deeper than just a cop out of line. And the consequences of that should reach into the administration until anyone involved in such a coverup is removed from public duty. They are no longer fit for the role, if they ever were. There is no room for fraud in an organization that is founded on the principles of upholding the law and protecting the public.

newtboy said:

Knowing they were being recorded by their own cameras has not stopped MANY a cop from behaving atrociously in recent times, they just don't care most of the time, and get away with it nearly all of the time.

Late night Suspicious roadblock

Insurance scammer goes the extra mile

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Road rage encounter doesn't go as planned

Road rage encounter doesn't go as planned

The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

Jerykk says...

This seemed pointless. They tried to make the event more impactful by overdramatizing it (showing the cop talking to his wife about their daughter, drawing out the gunfight, having the cop mention his family right before getting killed, etc) but it just made it feel like a cheesy Hollywood drama. The actual dashcam footage is way, way more impactful and really shows how sudden and brutal murder can be.

It's all too easy to hate cops (and authority figures in general) but it's also easy to forget that even a routine traffic stop can be a life-or-death situation. Cops have no idea who is behind the wheel. It could be a soccer mom or it could be a violent psychopath.

The Random Stop - Anatomy of a Murder

Grimm (Member Profile)

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