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Truck Spills Load on Russian Highway

Man Escapes 5 Yr Sentence After Dash Cam Footage Clears Him

Xaielao says...

He's lucky the police dashcam footage wasn't 'lost' or 'misplaced' as it is in so many other trials like this.

Those cops need to be suspended without pay. They are so sure their fellow officers will back them up, that their chief will hide the evidence that they blatantly do this shit on film and it happens every day around the country.. and almost exclusively against minorities.

I fear this will continue to happen as we continue to turn our police into a paramilitary force.

Dash Cam Fender-Bender-Fail

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'russian, dashcam, hit and run, panic' to 'russian, dashcam, hit and run, panic, wodka' - edited by bareboards2

1906 Movie of San Francisco 4 Days Before the Earthquake

Sleeping In Toilet God Mode

Winter Driving is Dangerous! Please slow down

kevingrr says...

Winter tires are great, but the biggest thing is control your speed. You can have AWD with winter tires and still slide slide.

I drive about 20k miles a year. I need to get a dashcam to record the crazies.

How to pull out car from a frozen lake

When the old world crashes into new...

Payback says...

I think our driver is happy he invested in a dashcam. People often get blamed for livestock collisions just on the basis of the animal is too slow to crash into anything.

fritzo9602 said:

His error was he started to accelerate before the apex. All that horsepower went to his head.

Accident causes an Accident!

Driver thinks he can overtake on icy road.

Very Advanced Russian Windshield Wiper Technology

One step away from death

Russian Navy Hovercraft Lands on Busy Beach

rebuilder says...

I offer no argument. I was just riffing on the Russians having dashcams because of insurance terms, and government institutions not bothering to insure their property because it's cheaper to pay for any losses out of pocket if it won't bankrupt them.

chingalera said:

I dunno man, 140 mm Ogon launchers 2 x 22 with 132 rockets or a 30 mm AK-630 Air Defense Gun Mount 2 x 6 with 6000 rounds makes for a pretty robust Navy vessel insurance policy, besides that...... seamen are safer on beetches !

Car Transport Fail

walle (Member Profile)

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