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Man beats ticket on dashcam evidence - takes town to court

Driving on the highway when all of a sudden

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'russia, driving, cars, wheels, sudden, highway, wtf' to 'russia, driving, cars, wheels, sudden, highway, wtf, dashcam' - edited by messenger

Proton-M rocket crashes after a failed launch in Kazakhstan

Why So Many Russian Cars Have Dashcams.

Barseps (Member Profile)

Why So Many Russian Cars Have Dashcams.

Russian Method Of Extinguishing A House Fire.

Russian Windshield Wipers

"You SHALL NOT Pass!!"

"Tell Ya What Guys..........Let's Use A RAMP Instead!!"

sanderbos says...

So the fourth guy already knew this wasn't going to work, but instead of saying that he ran and grabbed his dashcam to film it?

I think it could have worked, its round that gives it some structural strength, if only they would have slowly lowered it instead of just dropping it off.

Russian Dashcam ABUSE Video??

artician says...

I could see how one might think the dashcam owner set it up. He certainly sounds like he makes a "boom" noise before it happens.

If that were the case, beyond anything else I'd say it's not abuse, but an irresponsible prank. He/someone probably thought it would be funny to hide a container of compressed air in their trash is all.

Classroom Bus Accident.

Father's Advice To His Young Daughter (dashcam)

(Mis/Ab)use of *related invoke (Sift Talk Post)

gwiz665 says...

Oh you kids. I used to be like you and care about things.

Just use your brain when invoking things and putting stuff into channels. If you feel, "yeah it should go in that channel" then it probably does need to go in it - only a few channels make no damn sense, but that's a different discussion.

Videos with women doing women things go in femme, asians doing asian thngs go in asia (and usually wtf), dashcam video 9 times out of 10 go into russia. It's easy.

How Not to Drive an Armored Fighting Vehicle

TheFreak says...

Oh man, that is beautiful.

And it raises an interesting possibility.
If dashcams become so ubiquitous in other parts of the world, you have the possibility for a video aggregating website that allows us to hashtag uploaded video recorded events based on gps location data, time/date or something else common between these devices. This would allow any event with more than one video observer to be easily searched, downloaded and edited by the general public in the manner you envision. Imagine the impact to social or political movements, entertainment events and other creative uses that can't even be imagined.

Obviously, this raises privacy concerns...but that's a healthy debate that we're ready for.

deathcow said:

Funny. Now I am thinking we head off to dashcam 2 for a more lower perspective, very close and dramatic. Finally, to dashcam 7 from across the street to show the scene one last time.

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