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Car ‘parks’ itself after driver ejected

Payback says...

It's exactly like north America, they just get serious discounts off insurance to use cameras. More cameras, more video of idiots.

If Geico knocked $250 off your annual charges, wouldn't you go buy a dashcam?

artician said:

To me, it's indicative of a society where people are numerous, always pressured for time, and have too many money-worries.

Do You Know Where The Candle Supply Is?

The Enforcer

nanrod says...

According to streetview, contrary to the description, breakdown lane travel is legal on this stretch of road from 6-10 AM and 3-7 PM ans according to the dashcam the time of this vid is 9:53 AM.

Woman almost hits biker by merging, gets caught by cops

Babymech says...

She's risking people's lives and needs to learn or lose her license.

I'm also pleasantly surprised (and surprised at my surprise) that he's not monetizing this video aggressively. For some reason I'm annoyed at this brave new internet where every viral dashcam video has a legal notice ("For licensing and media inquiries, contact..."), so I was happy to see him just tell the world that we can do whatever. This is not something I thought I'd be surprised by.

vil said:

Is this really worth involving police in? I am with him for a honk or two, a bit of cursing and giving opulent instructions on how to acquire better driving habits. Then get on with your life.

The three girls and the cops controversy and this press conf

bcglorf says...

I'd hold off for a bit.

The Sheriff doesn't say that he's posted all the dashcam videos to YT, he said it was all included along with the police report that was given out the to the media. That would be the media that was in the room there with him. The media people in the room where NOBODY called out the Sheriff to say they'd watched all the dashcam video and found him to be lying. If the Sheriff is lying about the existence of the dashcam footage, 100% of the media present never bother to look at the footage to check for themselves.

I'm inclined to believe at least one of the media folks did at least that much of their job. If they did NOT, I'm not entirely inclined to leap in with both feet to believing their side fo the story just yet either.

Is it so hard to accept the possibility the police aren't monsters out there trying to murder civilians every chance they get?

newtboy said:

Um...we can see in the original video that no deputy is in the water, and their pants are on and dry.
If there IS this second video, why can't it be found? I've looked, no such video has been posted on YT.
"Is there ANYTHING showing deputies with muddy clothing or anything?"
"No...why would we do that? That's not evidence of anything."
He can't possibly be that stupid. It would be evidence that they tried....but that evidence does not exist because they clearly didn't try to save those girls. No one went in the water, in the video of that night it's pretty clear that NO deputy went in the water, some didn't even get out of their cars.

The deflection, trying to both blame the victims and dehumanize them, implying they don't deserve to be saved. Just plain disgusting. The solution to the issue at hand.....a new anti car theft initiative....not more/better police training.

These deputies didn't do their job, then lied about it, and are continuing to lie in the face of video evidence proving that they are lying. 3 girls died because of it.

Three Teen Girls Drowned as Cops Stand By and Do Nothing

bcglorf says...


Actually , you only know that this deputy on this dashcam stayed out of the pond. Link below has the rest of the story, namely that there is additional dashcam footage, all of it released to the media. Somebody decided to put out just this clip on social media to claim the police lied about trying to save the girls. I'll post a link to the other dashcams if I come across it, but the link below came up within 5 minutes of checking the accuracy of this account.

Three Teen Girls Drowned as Cops Stand By and Do Nothing

Jinx says...

As I said, I don't know what happened, but yeah, this "murderous pigs chase teenagers into 4ft of water and drown them" thing seems a tad extreme. I'm not saying that it isn't possible they are culpable in some way, I just can't make any determination about it from this dashcam/audio alone.

And yeah, if they were my family I probably would think differently about it - but then if they were family I wouldn't be allowed to sit on the jury, so, yah.

newtboy said:

They heard the girls screaming for help....they did NOTHING but wait for them to stop screaming before calling for help, and then they LIED and claimed they tried to help but couldn't. They know they murdered those children, that's why they lied and claimed they tried to save them. It was a clear, bold faced lie intended to cover up their lack of required lifesaving action.
Attempting to help drowning children is not dying a hero's might possibly lead to that if the cops are idiots and go about it the wrong way, but claiming that attempting a rescue is dying a hero's death is just absolute bullshit. If water is too scary for cops these days, we should shoot them all in the head and put them out of their terrified living nightmares, because the only logical excuse is they have rabies and uncontrolled hydrophobia, so it would be a mercy killing, not murder to put them all down. I think you should re-think your position.

I think if this was a family member, you would feel 100% differently. These murderers chased the girls into the water, sat by and watched them die, then only afterwards called for 'help' ('help' that they knew could not come in time to help) and tried to hide that murder by claiming they tried but couldn't help themselves....when in fact they clearly didn't try to save them in any way. That's depraved indifference/murder at best, intentional premeditated murder in all reality. If those cops had driven into the water and citizens sat back and watched them die screaming, every citizen there would be charged with the murder of a police officer. Cops have a HIGHER duty than normal citizens to protect others, not a lesser duty.

I guess this means we'll never again hear the bullshit line that 'cops do a dangerous job and should get some leeway' if 4 ft of water is so terrifyingly dangerous that they let children die rather than step into it. If they are such sniveling cowards that any possible danger paralyzes them, they are absolutely useless and need to be fired.

Three Teen Girls Drowned as Cops Stand By and Do Nothing

ulysses1904 jokingly says...

There's a dashcam video making the rounds showing the usual afterglow of police brutality\indifference, where they are smoking cigars, giving high-fives and gloating "we don't need no stinking badges".

Michael Moore and Disney are already in negotiations to secure the rights. If anyone can make a movie out of a stick figure cartoon it would be them.

Revenge Of The Turkish Truckdriver

Revenge Of The Turkish Truckdriver

skinnydaddy1 says...

Well that's one way to dump a load: Turkish tipper truck driver responds to road rage dispute by ditching lorry full of dirt onto busy highway

Lorry driver stopped truck and dumped load on busy highway in Turkey
Incident was apparently in fit of road rage after truck was being tailgated
Shocking dashcam footage shows cars following closely behind the truck
It then stops and dumps haul of dirt and grit onto road - blocking motorway

Dashcam Video of Chicago Law Enforcement Shooting Teen

Lawdeedaw says...

As can any citizen who knows the no snitch code. I for one don't agree with keeping quiet, so I am glad certain justices are being followed up upon. 25 years ago this wouldn't have been prosecuted for lack of evidence. But body cameras and dashboard cameras are doing their job, which makes me happy.

I remember a retarded sifter, I forget who, once said that dashcams are FOR the cops...I laughed and wondered what shit he/she was on...of course they are not for the cops, as they rarely exonerate them, but often condemn them. This change was done on purpose, so be glad for that and hope for more change.

artician said:

What's great that no one seems to have touched on in the media yet is that under most common day laws pretty much every cop could technically be convicted of being complicit in murder, an accessory to a hate crime, et al. Silence and solidarity didn't used to be tolerated from criminals.

Not Something You Expect To Record On Your Dash Cam

Motorcycle rider chases down hit and run driver

coolhund says...

They are not illegal. Its just illegal to publish videos about specific people (in this one the perpetrator) to the public without making faces and other means of identification unrecognizable. No matter if recorded with a dashcam, or a simple camcorder or whatever. Courts are seen as the public, because its not private use anymore.

Some courts have ruled footage of them cannot be used as evidence, but those courts are just regional ones and other may rule differently.
Another ruling from the same regional court that forbid to use dashcam footage in a case, allowed it in another because the guy claimed he only turned it on after he suspected an accident would happen (which it did).
So basically you can just cut that footage to just show the accident and say you turned it on right before that and it will be used. Its stupid laws, but you can find a way around them.

skinnydaddy1 said:

Dashcams are illegal in Germany?

Seriously? I think it should be required. If not for Insurance purposes. For What you just witnessed.

Motorcycle rider chases down hit and run driver

walter scott shooting more police violence - graphic

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