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ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

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ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

SUV crashes into house allegedly owned by Michael Bay

entr0py says...

I can't say for sure if this is why that dude was driving so badly, but he never got a license because Texas is among the states that doesn't have a driving privilege card for undocumented immigrants.

Driver's training does save lives, and this particular attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants from lawful society just causes a public safety menace without deterring migration.

Payback (Member Profile)

SUV crashes into house allegedly owned by Michael Bay

bremnet (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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C-note (Member Profile)

Impatient Truck Driver encounters Karma

Cyclist runs red light

Angry pedestrian gets instant karma

oritteropo says...

No, he stopped at the right place. From the gesturing I think the pedestrian thought he was coming in a bit hot and should slow down. Obviously that's not how the approach looked on the dashcam...

nanrod said:

So what was he angry about in the first place. The car drives up to a red light and stops at the stop line. Is there something about Australian traffic rules I don't understand?

Alleged Drunk Driver Crash on H-1 Freeway Hits Barrier

ReverendTed says...

I didn't see a sarcasm tag, so I'm going to presume you were asking about the road setup.

This is exit 19-B westbound on IH-1 in Honolulu, the eastern end of H201.

The nearest highway entry is about a half mile back. That entry comes in as its own dedicated lane, and then becomes exit-only here. (The next lane over is exit-or-go-straight.) I'm guessing the driver either entered there and waited too long to get over into the main lanes, or he drifted into the entry-exit lane to pass the car with the dashcam, not realizing the lane was about to exit.

Fairbs said:

does that seem like a proper road entry? I can't think of where I've seen anything like that before

Dash Cam Owners Australia March 2017 On the Road Compilation

Truck Camera System | Wireless Backup

Tesla Predicts a 2 Car Crash Ahead of Driver

Digitalfiend says...

That was pretty cool. I wonder if the Tesla's sensors could still "see" the braking SUV as it is a bigger vehicle than the red car that rear ended it. We can't see the sides of the SUV in the video, until the red car begins its lane change, because of the wide-angle dashcam but perhaps the Tesla's sensors could.

I think the driver of the red car, who wanted to change lanes, was fixated on the black car in the right hand lane and didn't see the SUV suddenly brake. If the red car had collision avoidance capabilities, this accident would likely have been prevented.

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