8 officers beat, taze, and brutally repeatedly soccer kick the head of a suspect, then after about 2 minutes they realize they are filming themselves. Surprised, one yells to the others ""Hold up, everybody hold up, we are red right now, so if you guys are worried about the cameras just wait," then turns off the camera...then the beating resumes off camera. The suspect can also be heard yelling "I can't move" while 6-7 officers are on top of him, holding him in place, and screaming at him to turn over, and kicking-tazing him for not complying.

If they can 'hold up' to turn off the camera, that's proof positive they had control and didn't need to continue the assault, making them all a violent gang of armed thugs, not a police force anymore, no?

Why is there an 'on/off' button available to the officers the cameras are there (at least in part) to capture? That's like putting an on/off button on your security system outside your gate, so any burglar/rapist can turn it off before doing some crimes. WTF?!?

EDIT: From my understanding, after refusing to release the footage for nearly a year, this video was just released thanks to a lawsuit brought by the family. All 'charges' against the driver were dropped.
second video with better audio at....

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