RIP Charlton Heston: a god among men

Created: 1 decade 6 years 11 months 1 week ago
Updated: 1 decade 6 years 8 months 4 weeks ago
Views: 2,457

He parted the Red Sea, drove a wicked chariot and was the last man on Earth... Twice! Whether or not you agreed with his politics, one would have to admit he was one hell of a leading man.
This playlist is a tribute to his film achievements.

Please suggest your Heston cinema sift!

Vintage Channel Salute to Charlton Heston

We say goodbye today to one of Hollywood's legendary leading men, Charlton Heston. As manager of the Vintage Channel, I'm asking fans to post some Chuck moments for us to enjoy and promote.

I was going to create a Heston playlist after there were a lot of sifts for it, but I went ahead and started one today.
It needs many more!

Please use this thread to self promote your sifts and I'll happily add it to my playlist and shamelessly plug it all week.

I'm sure this week fans will be adding Heston content everywhere. Lets show some love for Chuck!

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