why the hell does this video have 4.2 million views?

I am utterly baffled by this. it's some creepy big-eyed girl looking at the screen with a soul-stealing blank stare. And yet somehow, it's got 4,249,345 views.

Humongous eyeballs?

Honors for this video (10)
#60 - Featured - Japan
#38 - Featured - People & Blogs - Japan
#2 - Most Discussed (All Time) - Japan
#30 - Most Discussed (All Time) - People & Blogs
#2 - Most Discussed (All Time) - People & Blogs - Japan
#35 - Most Responded (All Time) - Japan
#2 - Most Responded (All Time) - People & Blogs - Japan
#24 - Most Viewed (All Time) - Japan
#2 - Most Viewed (All Time) - People & Blogs - Japan
#10 - Top Favorited (All Time) - People & Blogs - Japan


They do operations over there to make their eyes look that way.

Personally, I'm thinking a good dose of windex straight in the cornea would fix that right up.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'girl, stare, creeeeeeepy, soul stealing stare, big in japan' to 'girl, stare, creeeeeeepy, soul stealing stare, big in japan, eyeball porno' - edited by calvados


>> ^campionidelmondo:
Look at the background and you'll see why this is so popular

Sorry, I must be most dense, because I still don't get it. I'm very confused. (What a corner of a bed suggests sex?)

There's obviously some sort of subculture I don't know about


I'm crazy about the kid. Rirrian?

I'm surprised that nobody has asked her to hold up a tube of toothpaste or maybe a little sign with a web address on it yet.

The poor dear has dental issues; wish somebody would come along and help her with some cosmetic dentistry.


Seriously tho, could the fact that you've posted 3 times here about her, went and found her wiki page, and posted video of her speaking explain anything about the number of hits she gets?
Wait this is my 3rd post too .. weird.


>> ^burdturgler:
Seriously tho, could the fact that you've posted 3 times here about her, went and found her wiki page, and posted video of her speaking explain anything about the number of hits she gets?
Wait this is my 3rd post too .. weird.

It can explain the initial popularity, but to sustain that for any length of time, that's my question. I have no interest in actually watching any more of her videos now, so the interest in her, for me, has lasted all of an hour or two, very on and off.

How she sustains any sort of interest, to the point of being flown over to Japan to appear on talk shows, have magazine spreads etc. It's just beyond me.


^YIKES...HOLY CRAP spoco2.. her dental setup looks like they are from 1800 imported from joly old England
And her articulation... LIKE truly scary, like ya know?.
Now I know why this video has so many hits. Everyone is waiting to see if she can keep her mouth shut the whole time or risk seeing the distaster that is her dental cavity.


i would suggest that the mystery lies around the "KAWAII" culture of Japan... from my experience with Japanese teens, when they see the video, be it boy or girl, they will mumble - KAWAIII!!! (cute!).

BTW - is it me, or does her bed looks like a pokemon face?!


Common, this is so old...

She's caucasian, far beyond her teen years, ugl... let's say "uncute", and her mouth shut is due to the shark-like teeth. She was a youtube phenomanon, and it's right on youtube that this info can be found, and since it can be found that the trend ceased. As a mysterious no-age, no-race female she attracts the viewers but once they aknowledge her true appearance, the attraction fades away.

More than an exploitation of a subculture to gain all the attention she so sickly seeks (4 millions is not a subculture anymore), this girl makes use of a universal feature of captivation - this said mystery allied to some sort of oddness that is dded to simultaneously repulse and increase curiousity (curious about the wicked).

Although at the same time, it fails tremendously, when the symbolic stare of pure dellusion (since she's the opposite of this persona) begins- Which is from 0:00 ad eternum.

Garbage, I'd downvote it 4 million times.

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