the most successful irish film you never saw...but should have.
the guard is a small indie film (2011) starring brendan gleeson as sgt boyle,a local irish cop with an unorthodox way of doing things and a penchant for big city,dublin hookers.when a big drug shipment of half a billion is suspected on coming to his town he is visited by a humorless FBI agent played by don cheadle.
sounds basic enough right?
not so fast...this film takes a dark and cynical humor to a level that makes it an artform and not just some tawdry and inept film.
its brilliance is in its simplicity and it is funny..i mean REAL funny.
what a great film.
this is the scene where boyle gets a tip from a local kid who also decides to take a little piece of the action,and boyle calls him out for it.
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gorillamanThis film is a good film and you should watch it because it is good.
lucky760Kid has Benjamin Button syndrome, no?
Old-man-est looking kid I ever saw.
articianSheesh, this sounds/looks like Calvary just with a cop instead of a priest. Odd.
ChaosEngineOther way round... this came out first.
I'd call Calvary a drama with elements of dark comedy, while the Guard is a black comedy with dramatic elements.
Brendan Gleeson is great in both of them, but in honesty, I prefer the Guard.
Sheesh, this sounds/looks like Calvary just with a cop instead of a priest. Odd.
NaMeCaFsays...Great film
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