"Info/still frames: juliasetcollection.wordpress.com/2015/02/04/meanwhile/
Meanwhile in a world far, far away ...
This is a short film created during the 'Porgrave' shooting, the latest film by Sandro Bocci, that will be released in late 2015. ...Meanwhile... shows the world of marine animals like corals and starfish at high magnification and during long time span through the timelapse. The music almost alien and disturbing has been joined to the images that stimulate mental associations to create a contrast, stimulate synesthesia and feelings do not necessarily harmonics and assonant.
This is an infinitesimal part of the wonderful world in which we live and of which we should take better care. A trip through a different perspective that would encourage reflection on the consequences of our actions on each scale of space and time.
Enjoy the vision..."
http://boingboing.net/2015/02/23/watch-slow-moving-sea-creatur.html ...
AeroMechanicalsays...Wow. That's one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
siftbotsays...Moving this video to ant's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by eric3579.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, February 27th, 2015 3:36pm PST - promote requested by mintbbb.
00Scud00says...Was that a nature film or a trailer for some new Hentai movie? Legend Of The Overfiend 26: Here's Where Shit Gets Weird.
DataSchmucksays...anyone else have a craving for cap'n crunchberries?
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