k.d. lang sings "Hallelujah"

One of the greatest voices ever, k.d. lang, sings the greatest song ever, Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," and the results are just amazing.

I love everything about her, her nature, and this performance. Barefoot, with that kimono type dress, looking sort of frumpy.. but just belting it out. My heart swelled with pride and joy for her, and she's so humble at the end as they gave her a standing ovation. I could really feel the love :} Amazing.


Not necessarily for gay people, but rather, for gay issues.

So, unless the song is about gay rights, or at a benefit concert for gay lib, I don't think it belongs on the gay channel. Just my opinion though.


Huh. You're right I guess, the channel description is limited, but doesn't say anything about including videos with just gay people as the only factor.

*nochannel *canada *music *livemusic *femme


I do not understand why it was tagged gay, this content has fuck all to do with gay or gay movement its a woman singing a song who is gay. So what the fuck ? and yes she is a good vocalist, whewt whewt.


*quality memories of her performance at the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games one year ago today.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, July 27th, 2009 2:56pm PDT - promote requested by Zifnab.

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