This week on Zero Punctuation, the most requested review of all time, Call of Duty 4.

He loved it! The hells have frozen over.

I also enjoyed COD4: Modern Fishing, I mean, Warfare. Somehow it manages to keep you attached all the way through. It was rather linear, but that was acceptable in the end. The added end with the planehijacking was pretty cool in my opinion, but shouldn't be seen as a part of the game. Just extra servings.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'call of duty, zero punctuation, modern warfare, fps, shooter, Yahtzee, cod4' to 'modern warfare, fps, shooter, Yahtzee, cod4, I have a massive erection' - edited by MarineGunrock


Tags for this video have been changed from 'modern warfare, fps, shooter, Yahtzee, cod4, I have a massive erection' to 'modern warfare, fps, shooter, Yahtzee, cod4, MG a massive erection' - edited by MarineGunrock


Call of Duty 4 is a great game, but it still left like a throw back, its just a few marks off being a linear rail shooter, its like being part of a great action movie, that ends really quickly, but is engaging throughout.

The Multiplayer is very redeeming though with its RPG-lite touches.

Still I wish it had MOAR gameplay and maybe some free form objectives.


COD 4 is by far the best shoot-em-up I have ever played.

Wish Yahtzee played or mentioned the Multiplayer Online mode, as this is where it REALLY shines.

If anyone ever wants their ass stylishly handed to them online, I use the same name on COD4 MP as I do here.


I wasn't impressed at all with the demo. It reeked of COD3 with purdy new skins. I was expecting more realism from the flashy videos they made to hype it, but it IS the COD franchise. I hear good things about the multiplayer, so I guess it could be a substitute for CSS players.


The singleplayer was alright. All scripted but scripted in a way that you would notice something different playing through it each of multiple times if you kept an eye out, which kept things interesting and feeling more spontaneous. I have to tag along and say that the AC-130 level was boss. I was sort of underwhelmed by the multiplayer and the cheap design/sense of scale on certain maps and lack of spawn protection. All in all, a game that really doesn't do anything new but does what it does quite well.

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