Katie Graham and Andrew Matthews raised over $15k in preproduction costs on Indiegogo for their movie about Dungeons and Dragon players, called Zero Charisma. The trailer is funny!
The Story:
Scott Weidemeier spends his time in exactly three ways: working a menial job at a local donut shop, caring for his abusive grandmother, and running The Greatest Dungeons & Dragons Game of All Time. Though overbearing and short-tempered, Scott is a hero to his fellow players--that is, until neo-nerd hipster Miles Butler joins the game, fueling Scott's rampant insecurity and alienating him from his own players. Can Scott overcome his contempt for the mainstreaming of nerdery, or will this clash of the subcultures come to a head? (From
siftbotThe thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by geo321.

grinterWow even dork culture is subject to gentrification.
fucking hipsters!
siftbotMoving this video to Zifnab's personal queue. It failed to receive enough votes to get sifted up to the front page within 2 days.
siftbotPromoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued - promote requested by eric3579.
chilaxeHa... a comment from the link: "It can't be The Greatest Dungeons & Dragons Game of All Time. He's running third edition."
RFlaggThis isn't exactly dead, but it isn't alive anymore either. What is showing right now is a 6 second "New Trailer Coming Soon" thingy...
There is one here, but I don't know if it is the new one or old one...
Perhaps I can call attention of @Zifnab
ZifnabThanks for the note @RFlagg, I've updated the embed.
This isn't exactly dead, but it isn't alive anymore either. What is showing right now is a 6 second "New Trailer Coming Soon" thingy...
There is one here, but I don't know if it is the new one or old one...
Perhaps I can call attention of @Zifnab
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