Woman Drives on Sidewalk to Pass School Bus

What was she thinking???

It was her GPS telling her to blow past that lame school bus via the sidewalk, like she's in a movie car chase.

Seriously, every day at the same time in the same spot?
Thinking it was a good and necessary thing to do the first time kinda blows my mind.


Fantastic. I hope she misses a car payment because of the ticket.

Stupid drivers put the public at risk. Driving is not a right it is a privileged.

I am annoyed at inattentive and overall overly aggressive assholes on the highway EVERYDAY !

I follow my boss who drives the "big rig", while I follow in a dodge 5500 loaded to the nuts with three thousand pounds of water towing a seven thousand pound trailer and people are just ignorant,non thinking fucking idiots. People who write their own rules when on the road should not be on the road.

()*&%$_)#*(&#$)(* NOW i AM uppity thinking about those dangerous assholes.

I just cant stand people who do not obey traffic laws. If everyone follows the same rules no one should get hurt, we get accidents because of the other asshats.

This dumb cunt should not be driving or should at least have to go to driving school. First time loser is indeed in my vocabulary. Take the boots to the bitch.

/end rant.

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