"Wild is the Wind" by David Bowie

"Wild is the Wind" from Bowie's greatest album "Station to Station". I'm curious to know when this video was filmed as Bowie had an entirely different look during the 1975-76 era, this had to have been filmed later. Also recorded by Johnny Mathis in 1957 and Nina Simone in 1964.

I was going to toss out some time around his "Low" tour, based on his dress. At least, this is virtually identical to when I saw him perform. I was kind of let down at first, having expected/anticipated a Ziggy Stardust kind of show.

But only at first...he quickly convinced me that appearance means little with Bowie.


I saw him on that 1978 tour in Houston. I was actually hoping for a repeat of his Station to Station tour from 1976, his show at Madison Square was amazing that year. But he changed it up, played songs from Low and Heroes with a large ensemble of musicians, including Adrian Belew. He always put on a good show.


I was going to toss out some time around his "Low" tour, based on his dress. At least, this is virtually identical to when I saw him perform. I was kind of let down at first, having expected/anticipated a Ziggy Stardust kind of show.

But only at first...he quickly convinced me that appearance means little with Bowie.


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