Why the Fiscal Cliff is a Scam

I don't pretend to know enough about any of this. I do feel that we are being forced down a road by both major parties that may not be all they are making it out to be, but as to it being the scam reported here, you decide. Makes for interesting debate anyhow.
Part 1 of a 4 part series.
Part 2 (A Looming Crisis in Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid? The "Fiscal Cliff" is a Scam Pt2): http://youtu.be/n0R_Cuzpyy4
Part 3 (Will Taxing the Rich Deepen the Recession? - The "Fiscal Cliff" is a Scam): http://youtu.be/2I5VPuMmjRI
Part 4 (Congress Go Home - The "Fiscal Cliff" is a Scam Pt.4): http://youtu.be/cJFxYPjdUrU

There are no 'spending cuts' and never will be. Briefly the crooks tamp down the rate of spending, like a chronic speeder who takes his foot off the gas when he sees a cop, that's the most that will be done.

The important thing is that obama owns the coming disaster, and not get away with blaming Bush or anyone else. I'd hate for him to feel guilty as he leaves for his 20 million dollar vacay while 8% are unemployed.


Well Qman if you want employment to improve tell the so called job creators, and dear friends of the Republican right, to stop being such greedy assholes and start hiring people. Don't fire over 1000 people and keep the rest of their staff at minimum wages for over 4 years just so they can have a private jet... but you Republicans think that guy is in the right to destroy the lives of his employees, and you think those people he fired shouldn't have unemployment, and everyone else who works for him well under the cost of living shouldn't have aid, so he can have perhaps a yacht next time... to all that I say fuck catering to the wealthy... want cuts, cut the military, and very few of the 2% are job creators anyhow, so taxing them isn't really going to hurt jobs, stop deluding yourself. Taxing some rich lawyer, or surgeon or movie star, athlete or all the rest that makes up the bulk of the 2%...hell, taxing a CEO isn't going to hurt jobs unless he owns the company via LLC, and since most executives and the like in the 2% are just employees, once again, not hurting jobs. What is hurting jobs is the job creators being greedy assholes.


IF the cliff is a scam then you imply that there is no limit to spending. If that is true then why don't the Government just spend loads of cash on every possible program and also give out each citizen who is unemployed a million dollars?


I dislike videos like this because they're identical in tone to the non-news that the mainstream media reports. All the statements the guest makes here are just his opinions, but he never outlines specific policies or shows data to back up his claims.
My political views are such that I'd normally be inclined to believe someone of his political views, but instead I just get frustrated watching this because it ends up being more talking heads with nothing they say being verifiable.
What do we have to do to get someone to speak out who could actually take apart the budget and and outline the specific reasons for or against the various proposals going on in congress?


Be that person.

Alternately, check out Paul Krugman, he gets into good detail about this kind of stuff and tries his best to explain it in a way that doesn't require an economics degree.


What do we have to do to get someone to speak out who could actually take apart the budget and and outline the specific reasons for or against the various proposals going on in congress?


The feds will just continue to print money, act like nothing happened, meanwhile the people who really understand money will stop their involvement in it and we will enjoy quite high rates of inflation until the whole system collapses, then Obama can distribute pitchforks and you folks can go literally eat the rich. but when the rich are dead and buried, what will you do?


This statement shows you have no clue as to what exactly this "fiscal cliff" is.


IF the cliff is a scam then you imply that there is no limit to spending. If that is true then why don't the Government just spend loads of cash on every possible program and also give out each citizen who is unemployed a million dollars?


Nice of you to tell us you're ignorant of monetary policy right up front.


The feds will just continue to print money, act like nothing happened, meanwhile the people who really understand money will stop their involvement in it and we will enjoy quite high rates of inflation until the whole system collapses, then Obama can distribute pitchforks and you folks can go literally eat the rich. but when the rich are dead and buried, what will you do?


Spot on.


The feds will just continue to print money, act like nothing happened, meanwhile the people who really understand money will stop their involvement in it and we will enjoy quite high rates of inflation until the whole system collapses, then Obama can distribute pitchforks and you folks can go literally eat the rich. but when the rich are dead and buried, what will you do?

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