What it's like to drive in Dubai

Some guy just stopped and started trying to do burnouts. In the background you can see a guy on two wheels. Oh, by the way, this is on a motorway.

Jalopnik article - http://jalopnik.com/5543589/what-its-like-to-drive-in-dubai

At a bout 2:15, you can see how he does it.
The small SUV is a bit top-heavy, so the driver pitches it into a sharp corner maneuver to unweight one side, raising up on two wheels.
He obviously has enough driving skill and/or talent to maintain control and keep the vehicle on two wheels.

It almost looks like an exhibition from a car club or drivers group or soemthing, in the same vein as stunt bikers do their thing on the highways in America, sometimes with fatal consequences.

>> ^kronosposeidon:

Okay, I give up. How is that guy driving on two wheels like that?


Everyone's honking are they honking out of anger or glee?

Is what they're doing legal over there? Or are the police on their way?

If that's all legal and everyone's honking out of glee/laughter then Dubai is the coolest place ever.


>> ^Matthu:

Everyone's honking are they honking out of anger or glee?
Is what they're doing legal over there? Or are the police on their way?
If that's all legal and everyone's honking out of glee/laughter then Dubai is the coolest place ever.

all the crude oil and heat gets to your head and you get stuff like in the video above or this

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