What Not To Do With Your Pet Rottweiler

I almost wanted the dog to bite him.

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Taking a toy from the dog is fine. If the dog is that upset about it then you should absolutely take the toy. Anyone who thinks otherwise knows nothing about dogs. They MUST learn that you are the alpha, and that all humans are above them in the pack hierarchy. People who keep dogs like that are the reason children are mauled and killed by dogs.


>> ^Drachen_Jager:

Taking a toy from the dog is fine. If the dog is that upset about it then you should absolutely take the toy. Anyone who thinks otherwise knows nothing about dogs. They MUST learn that you are the alpha, and that all humans are above them in the pack hierarchy. People who keep dogs like that are the reason children are mauled and killed by dogs.

Just to be clear, I wasn't suggesting that taking a toy away was the thing "not to do with your pet". It's the way this fool is going about it.


Got a dog like that, except it'll do stuff like that while we're playing. It might even nip, give a quick soft bite with it's teeth...never hard enough to hurt just register that you've been tagged.

And as soon as I change my posture and movements, dog changes her attitude wagging her tail. So......not really scared if my dog does something like that. Now if you have a dog that acts like that to strangers...probably end up with a dead dog when police arrive.

Just to emphasize, my dog does not act like that with strangers. She'll bark at them in an "you've been seen!" kind of way but no growling or teeth showing. So it's entirely possible this dog has been taught to act like that when people reach slowly for their toys.


Every day we see the tragic consequences of dogs "taught" by people who shouldn't be allowed to have ANY animals. This dogs life, hopefully, will not end in such a tragedy.

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