A fascinating clip from a television show I'm not familiar with (Liam Neeson narrates), it shows some of the fossil evidence we've found linking modern whales to an ancient species of land mammal similar to a wolf.

Hmm do anyone know where this is from? It could look like a BBC og National Geographic production?

And how ironic is it, that a man that study animals from the sea has the name Fish! =)


>> ^dag:
Fascinating stuff. Did Darwin himself really predict that whales evolved from land animals?

Difficulties on Theory, Chapter VI of Dawin's "On The Origin Of Species"

"In North America the black bear was seen by Hearne swimming for hours with widely open mouth, thus catching, like a whale, insects in the water. Even in so extreme a case as this, if the supply of insects were constant, and if better adapted competitors did not already exist in the country, I can see no difficulty in a race of bears being rendered, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with larger and larger mouths, till a creature was produced as monstrous as a whale."


Ahh, the sorts of things that creationists ignore. I can see exactly where they cry foul too. The section where they show wolves evolving into wales over the course of a few seconds.

The problem so many creationists have is they see something like that and think/say "There is no way I can believe that something as different as a wolf can turn into a whale, they look so different." The animation shows it all happening quickly, and that's the only timescale they have, even if they try to think of 'a long time', they think tens or hundreds of years, human scale periods. They always come up short being able to understand and comprehend the evolution of animals because of that.

It's an inability to stretch their mind beyond what they know.


Ah yes, whales.

Lemmie just break it down for you:

First we've got a blob in sea, not very good at anything, but at least it's alive!
Next the blob gets some fins, very useful, now it can move!
Then the blob becomes a recognizable animal with really good fins, which is excellent.
Then the fins become legs, it gets out of the water, mammals become very successful on land...
Then the mammals realize the entire sea has now filled with a delicious array of newly-evolved fish so they spend the next couple billion years turning their legs back in fins.
Whales. Nature's do-over.

Take THAT intelligent design!

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