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Voter cheating via mail in ballots

Yet another reason for vote in person with ID.

Why Democrats dont want Voter ID and vote in person?

The cheating is all from maga, just like it was proven to be in every one of the last 6 elections.
Remember the 4 election fraud investigations the felon’s White House performed? Remember the results, booby? Sure you do…they all found no Democratic fraud and all found maga fraud (that’s why they went away without making a big deal about their findings), but not enough to sway any elections (or so they claimed) with a few exceptions like Mark Harris who was caught orchestrating a ballot harvesting fraud in N Carolina (your boy) in 2018 but he was caught and you had to hold a new special election at a cost of millions…

Hide and watch. I’ll bet my hair that it’s a maggot who did this again.

“The system is working”….not if 3 fake votes were counted, dipshits.

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