Vivek, the Homeless Wise Man, speaks


I'm still watching it and so far I think is a cool video, some Socratic, Platonic and Stoic ideas,.....but what I'm amazed about is the stupidity of the guys filming.

Crap, I accidentally downvoted. Would someone please upvote this? Sorry.

thanks dag


yah the kids filming totaly miss the concept of what the homless dude is saying . iv seen the philisiphies of the homless dude before and alot of it is true but to a limited leval ~ if you realy want something and belive you can get it then in most cases you can get it. however some things you canot get evan if you did belive in them though thought alone. im sure there are manny mentaly ill people who belive thay can fly so deeply yet you dont see them flying this is because you cannot controle phisics with you thought not to that extent you need an object capable of manipulating mAss to manipulate anny other object of mass like your hands ore a jcb digger.

unfortunatly you have to be very literate to debunk eliments of this philisiphy where as you can be quite iliterate to spred and comunicate this philisiphy pritty mutch the same with religoin. the end result manny people belive in something that has large eliments of untruth within.
but still you can lern things from everything


Saving this video from queue deletion, sending it to the top of the queue for one more try. Originally submitted on Friday 29th December 2006 (save called by gold star member gorillaman)


I agree on that the guys filming weren't comprehending everything, however, I don't blame them. Vivek was very quick on expressing his thoughts. That's what makes him impressive to me. He speaks from deep within himself! He goes through paths where you think he will go on a tangent, or lose his train of thought, but surprisingly, he finishes with great clarity.

Honestly, he's made my list of people I would like to talk to. I wouldn't do stupid dog tricks like the guy on the background. I would listen and ask questions. Out of curiosity, does anyone know what location this was filmed in?

I enjoyed this video a great deal. Thanks for uploading it!


they were going for comedy footage, zack wolk produced some clips for back a few months ago. he had one of his dumber friends with him that night but luckily they had lots of tape and higher-than-average attention spans.

not much comedy in here at all but as a whole awesome vid. thsi s my first post on videosift glad to be here all. cheers.

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