Turkey Guillotine - Dumb inventions

These hunters use an arrow that beheads turkeys. Very disturbing.

Would you prefer that the turkey take a shot to the chest instead? if so will you call This a legitimate and humane hunting?

tell me what you think...

I don't think any normal hunting that is not specifically to get food or control populations is legitimate, but this is more humane than just shooting willy-nilly and waiting for the bird to bleed out.

I don't think I'll upvote just because these people don't deserve the advertisement Videosift would give them.


I don't see the problem. Bowhunting for turkeys is extremely difficult, and if this gives the opportunity for a cleaner kill, that's fine. As far as the footage, I'm glad NSFW was put on it, it doesn't offend me at all (hunter here) but I can see how some nonhunters would get a bit freaked.


Agreed. Plus it is a bit more of a challenge, for the guys that have T-baggin' down to a science......Wild Turkeys are funny, they seem to know when you want to kill them, and when you just stumble upon them....when this has happened before, they know you don't have any weapons and are faster than you....


Grisly but interesting. As far as hunting goes, if it's for eats and not just for sport, taking a creature in the hunt is more ethical than buying slaughterhouse meat it seems to me. Especially so if the kill is quick and clean, which this is.


I think if you eat meet then you should be propaird to kill it. as long as you eat what u kill then its all good. i think if everyone had to hunt there own meat then there would be alot more vegitareans out there and a lot less fat people. + less creatuers would die and everyhting would be free range


The guillotine was originally invented as a more human form of execution than hanging - it is very quick compared to strangulation. I know a few folks who hunt for food, venison and wild turky makes up a considerable portion of their diets. And, yeah, this is a more humane death than they'd receive in most slaughterhouses.


It's quick, it's clean, I imagine painless, what's the problem? And I can't imagine anyone hunting turkey and not eating it...Turkey YUMMMMM!

I wonder though how difficult it must be to hit a target as small as a turkey's neck/head with an arrow. If you miss and hit it in the body do those spikes on the side of the arrow prevent it from entering more than a couple of inches in to the bird? Therefore does the bird run away with a gaping wound?

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