Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails tells his fans to steal his music because CDs are too expensive.
youtube desc:"Trent Dialogue / The Day The World Went Away" by Nine Inch Nails - live at the Hordern Pavilion on September 16, 2007
"Last time I was here, I was doing a lot of complaining about the ridiculous prices of CDs down here. And that story got picked up and got carried all around the world and now my record label all around the world hates me, because I yelled at them, I called them out for being greedy fucking assholes. I didn't get a chance to check, has the price come down at all? I see a no, a no, a no... Has anyone seen the price come down? Okay, well, you know what that means - STEAL IT. Steal away. Steal and steal and steal some more and give it to all your friends and keep on stealin'. Because one way or another these motherfuckers will get it through their head that they're ripping people off and that's not right."
dr20says...Being an Australian ex-pat in the US I can whole heartily agree with him. The record companies in Australia have a stranglehold on competition and there is a whole bunch of music you just can't get. Hopefully ITunes being there will help as prices seem a little more in line with the US but certainly not the same. After watching some other recent videos here I was half expecting the cops to jump up on stage and taser him.
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Being a US ex-pat living in Australia I concur with your sentiments dr20.
thenebsays...Hah I've just been ranting about a similar issue for the last hour and this is a perfect end.
bamdrewman... I still havn't seen NIN. theres no excuse at this point.
I just now realized I could definitely hear a whole pile of bands (Radiohead, Muse,... AIR...) covering 'the day the whole world went away'... big bands need to cover each other more.
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