Toronto Maple Leaf Fans Sing Star Spangled Banner

After the mic cuts out, the Canadian crowd takes over. I'm not sure American fans would be able to sing the Canadian national anthem even if we wanted to.

"Oh Canada! Something something something..."

Wait- those were the Canadians singing?

Why would those people know the US national anthem, just from watching US sports?



I know the US national anthem, and I'm pretty sure a lot of my friends do too. You hear it a lot in US movies, tv, etc, so it's just one of those cultural osmosis things.

Personally, I think this is great. I hate the whole "singer with a microphone" for national anthems at sporting events. The crowd should be singing the anthem.

Go to a rugby international in Wales for an example.


Wait- those were the Canadians singing?

Why would those people know the US national anthem, just from watching US sports?



Part may be that that league has 30 Teams of which 23 are American so they get to hear the American anthem quite a bit. Very classy as always Canada. I know the tune of the Canadian anthem, but not all of the words (and it gets even harder when they throw in the verse in French). I like their anthem close to as much as I like ours.


Wait- those were the Canadians singing?

Why would those people know the US national anthem, just from watching US sports?


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